Body Language

(WallPaper) #1

Reflecting Your Feelings by the Way You Position Your Feet .................

Because your feet are the farthest point from your brain, your grey matter has
less control over them than it does, say, over your hands or facial expressions.
You’re less aware of where your feet are facing and what they’re doing than
you are of your eyes, which are about as close to your brain as they can get.

Pointing towards the desired place .................................................

Humans evolved with two legs, the purpose of which is to move forward
towards what you want and move away from what you don’t want. The direc-
tion in which your feet point tells the observer where you want to go. We’ve
all experienced talking to someone you know who would rather be anyplace
else than with you. While his face is smiling and his head nodding, his feet are
pointing away from you (see Figure 10-3).

When the feet, head, and torso are pointing in the same direction you’re
showing an open, or dominant, attitude.

Figure 10-3:
The woman
is indicating
that she’d
like to leave,
while the
man wants
to hold her

Chapter 10: Standing Your Ground 173

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