Body Language

(WallPaper) #1

Chapter 14

Interviewing, Influencing,

and Playing Politics

In This Chapter

Creating the right impression

Weighing up your best position

Showing yourself to your best advantage


ow you perceive and project yourself determines how people perceive
and receive you. If you want to be perceived as positive, powerful, and
influential, you’ve got to act the part. Your gestures, actions, and expressions
must celebrate and reflect your strengths and abilities. Based on what you
reveal in the way you appear and move, people want to know more, or may
close the door.

From the moment you enter the work environment to your last day on the
job, you’re watched. Make sure that the way you’re moving, gesturing, and
behaving is projecting the image you want. The higher up the hierarchy you
go, the more focused your actions, the more contained your gestures, and
the more authority you’re expected to project. You never see the chief execu-
tive running down the hall. You never see the senior partner flapping his
hands. You never see the Prime Minister sitting with his back to the door.
Remember: Self-awareness is paramount if you’re to work your way success-
fully through the office maze.

In this chapter I look at how to make a positive impact from the first impres-
sion through to the final exit. You discover how the way in which you posi-
tion your body impacts upon how people perceive you. Finally, you gain skills
to display confidence, commitment, and credibility.
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