Matching each other’s behaviours...................................................
The closer two people are emotionally the more similar their postures are.
Certain postures and emotions are linked, so when two people adopt the
same physical position they’re probably experiencing similar feelings.
Observe a couple who are in tune with one another and you can see that
their movements are coordinated and their postures match.
Showing that you belong together ...................................................
People who establish a physical closeness give the impression that they’re
emotionally close as well. A man may put his arm around a woman’s waist or
shoulders, sending out the message that she’s his woman. A woman may
remove a piece of fluff from her man’s jacket or straighten his tie, giving the
message to anyone who’s watching that he belongs to her.
Other signs of togetherness are linking arms or holding hands while you’re
walking with your partner. The main reason people hold onto one another
this way is not to keep from falling over but to show that they’re connected.
When you hold hands, your hand may be in front, or behind; how the hands
are positioned can indicate who’s in charge. Usually the man’s hand is in
front with his palm facing towards the back. It’s not known if this happens
because men are taller or because they like to lead from the front. If a woman
has her hand in the front position it’s usually because she’s taller than her
partner and finds it uncomfortable to put her hand in the back position. If
she’s shorter than her man and still puts her hand in front, however, it’s
because she likes to be in charge, regardless of the physical discomfort it
may cause both her and her partner. For more about what certain hand
movements and positions mean, go to Chapter 9.
After the inauguration of George W. Bush in 2001, Hillary and Bill Clinton left
the ceremony walking hand in hand. Bill looked composed and in control and
Hillary looked supportive. Photos and film coverage show that Hillary was
holding Bill’s hand with her hand in the front position. The difference in their
heights and the male-female relationship would have dictated the opposite
position. However, what was clearly demonstrated was that Hillary, not Bill,
was the person in charge.
228 Part IV: Putting the Body into Social and Business Context