When you ask for feedback, be specific. Otherwise you leave the door open
for all kinds of information to come flooding through, some of which may not
be pertinent or helpful. By getting honest reactions to your behaviour you can
continue what’s working well and adjust what’s not, in order to assure that
you communicate accurately and that your actions support your message.
Make sure that you’re open and receptive to the feedback you get and that
you listen attentively. If you don’t, the person responding may get exasper-
ated and walk away, leaving you none the wiser. If you don’t understand, ask
for clarification. Respect and acknowledge the other person’s point of view.
This doesn’t mean that you have to agree with what he’s saying, just that you
value and allow him his observations. Finally, thank him for his opinions.
After all, you asked for them.
290 Part V: The Part of Tens