Options button, Clipboard task pane, 84
Options dialog box. See Excel Options dialog box; Solver
Options dialog box
Or criteria, formulas, 290–291, 306–307
OR function, 925
order argument, Series formula, 459
ordinal numbers, 247–248
organizing files, 151–153
orientation, chart data, 411
Other Charts category, 429–433
outliers, 417
outline example.xlsx sample file, 939
adding data, 588
creating, 584–587
displaying levels, 587
hiding symbols, 588
overview, 581–584
removing, 588
Analysis ToolPak add-in, 783
Descriptive Statistics tool, 785–786
F-Test tool, 786–787
Histogram tool, 787–788
paired t-Test dialog box, 792
positioning of category axis, 452
time-based category axis, 454–455
padding numbers, 238–239
Page Break Preview, 172
page breaks, 173, 181–182
Page Layout tab, Ribbon, 11
Page Layout view, 27, 172
page margins, printing, 180–181
Page Number button, 186
page orientation, printing, 179
Page Setup dialog box
displaying, 653
Header/Footer tab, 185
printing comments, 97
Sheet tab, 183
page setup settings
adjusting page margins, 180–181
background images, 185
changing page orientation, 179
choosing printers, 178
overview, 177–178
Office Clipboard
cells and ranges, 84–85
copying and pasting, 79–80
versus Windows Clipboard, 616
Office Online Templates section, 161
OFFSET function
function of, 926
Lookup formulas, 311
returning last value in column, 392
OLAP (OnLine Analytical Processing) cube, 678
OLAP Cubes tab, Choose Data Source dialog box, 682
OLE (Object Linking and Embedding), 622
On Error Resume Next statement, 878, 885
one-dimensional array
horizontal, 360–361
storing, 355
vertical, 361
one-input data table, 748–750
one-way data table, 338–340
OnKey event, 884–885
OnLine Analytical Processing (OLAP) cube, 678
OnTime event, 883–884
Open and Repair option, Open dialog box, 146
Open as Copy option, Open dialog box, 146
Open DataBase Connectivity (ODBC), 678
Open dialog box
compared to Save As dialog box, 148
displaying, 143
Open and Repair option, 146
Open as Copy option, 146
Open in Browser option, 146
Open in Protected View option, 146
Open option, 145
Open Read-Only option, 145
organizing files, 151
resizing, 144
Windows Vista, 144
Open event, 876–877
Open in Browser option, Open dialog box, 146
Open in Protected View option, Open dialog box, 146
Open option, Open dialog box, 145
Open Read-Only option, Open dialog box, 145
operand, 219
Operation section, Paste Special dialog box, 88
operator precedence, 197–199, 657–658
operators, 196–197
Option Explicit statement, 817
OptionButton control, ActiveX, 844, 861, 869
headers and footers, 187
tables, 107
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