Excel 2010 Bible

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1



pasting links, 590
Path property, 896
Patterned distribution option, Random Number Generation
dialog box, 790
Payment (PMT), 330
PDF (Portable Document Format), 645
PDF files, 645–646
Pearson, Chip, 948
PEARSON function, 930
Pearson Software Consulting Web site, 948
peer-to-peer network, 628
per function argument, 331
Percent Style button
Number Fromat drop-down list, 44
Ribbon, 553
Percentage error bar, Format Error Bars dialog box, 462–463
Percentage format category, 554
Percentage format, Format Cells dialog box, 46–47
PERCENTILE function, 918
PERCENTILE.EXC function, 931
PERCENTILE.INC function, 931
PERCENTRANK function, 919
PERCENTRANK.EXC function, 931
PERCENTRANK.INC function, 931
period, interest, 330
Period argument, 351
periodic interest rate, 334
periodic sampling, 792
Permissions section, Info options, 154–155
PERMUT function, 931
Personal Macro Workbook, 809–810
PgDn key, 10
PgUp key, 10
“phantom link” errors, 660
photo styles.xlsx sample file, 939
PI function, 928
Pick from Drop-Down List, AutoComplete feature, 39
Picture (Enhanced Metafile) paste option, Paste Special dialog
box, 619
Picture (GIF) paste option, Paste Special dialog box, 619
Picture (JPEG) paste option, Paste Special dialog box, 619
Picture (PNG) paste option, Paste Special dialog box, 619
Picture (U) option, 86
Picture (Windows Metafile) paste option, Paste Special dialog
box, 619
Picture button, 187
picture charts, 470–471
picture charts.xlsx sample file, 938
Picture Fill tab, Format dialog box, 470

page breaks
inserting, 181–182
removing, 182
cell gridlines, 183–184
multiple copies, 180
row and column headers, 185
row and column titles, 182–183
scaling printed output, 183
paper size, 179–180
what to print, 178–179
Page View buttons, 6–7
PageSetup object, 815
Paired two-sample for means t-Test, 792
panes, worksheets, 62
paper size, printing, 179–180
Parameters section, Random Number Generation dialog
box, 789
parentheses, mismatched, 650–651
Pareto option, Histogram tool, 787
Password dialog box, 642
to open workbooks, 641–643
protecting work, 637
specifying, 150–151
Paste (P) option, 85
Paste All button, Clipboard task pane, 84
Paste button, Paste Special dialog box, 619
Paste command, 5
Paste Link (N) option, Paste Special dialog box, 86, 89,
Paste Name dialog box, 205–206
Paste Options Smart Tag, 617–618
Paste preview option, 5
Paste Special dialog box
consolidating worksheets, 599
copying formatting, 500
copying from Excel to Word, 617–620
mathematical operations without formulas, 88
overview, 87–88
skipping blanks, 89
transposing a range, 89
Paste Special option, 86
PasteSpecial operation, 807
cells and ranges, 85–86
linking workbooks, 591
with Office application, 616–617
undoing, 79

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