grouping items manually, 717–718
non-numeric data, 715–717
overview, 695–696, 715–717
pivot charts
example of, 736–738
overview, 735
producing reports, 742–743
referencing cells, 733–735
versus worksheet outlines, 584
PivotTable Field List, 702
PivotTable Options dialog box, 705
PivotTables object, 815
PivotTableUpdate event, 880
Plot Area, charts, 444–445
plotting mathematical functions, 477–479
PMT (Payment), 330
PMT function
calculating periodic loan payment, 334
function of, 331–332, 924
pmt function argument, 331
pointer, data entry, 37
Pointy Haired Dilbert Web site, 948
Poisson distribution option, Random Number Generation
dialog box, 790
POISSON function, 919
POISSON.DIST function, 931
Popular Commands option, Choose Commands From
drop-down list, 544
Portable Document Format (PDF), 645
portfolios, optimizing investment, 778–779
axis label, 452
data label, 461
POWER function, 928
PPMT function, 924
pre-1900 dates, 256
precedents, 664
Precedents option, Go to Special dialog box, 76, 664
precision, adjusting, 764
Precision as Displayed option, Excel Options dialog box, 48
Prepare for Sharing section, Info options, 155–156
Present Value (PV), 330
Presidents’ Day, date functions, 269
Preview box, Page Setup dialog box, 180
Preview Now button, Query Wizard, 684
PRICE function, 924
PRICEDISC function, 924
PRICEMAT function, 924
Print Area setting, 188
Picture property
defined, 864
Image control, 868
pictures and drawings
Clip Art task pane, 531–532
displaying worksheet background image, 535
Equation Editor feature, 535–537
graphics files
inserting, 532–533
overview, 531
changing layout, 528
changing style, 528–529
customizing SmartArt feature, 527–528
inserting SmartArt feature, 525–526
screenshots, inserting, 533–535
Shape images
adding text to, 520
aligning and spacing, 523
formatting, 520–522
grouping, 522
inserting, 518–520
overview, 517
printing, 524
reshaping, 523–524
WordArt feature, 530
pie charts, 418, 424–426
pie charts.xlsx sample file, 938
pie of pie chart, 425
pivot charts
example of, 736–738
overview, 735
pivot tables
appropriate data, 698–700
calculated fields, 724–728
calculated items, 724–725, 728–731
counting formulas, 298–299
formatting, 703–705
laying out, 702–703
modifying, 706–708
specifying data, 701
specifying location, 701–702
creating frequency distributions, 722–724
examples of, 696–698, 708–714, 739–741
filtering with slicers, 731–733
formatting option, 4
grouping items automatically
by date, 719–721
by time, 722
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