Excel 2010 Bible

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1



adding new commands, 543–545
overview, 17–19, 541–542
making macros available on, 855–856
overview, 6–7
Quick Access Toolbar tab, Excel Options dialog box,
Quick Print icon, 171
QUOTIENT function, 928

radar charts, 419, 430–432
radar charts.xlsx sample file, 938
RADIANS function, 928
RAND function, 829, 928
RANDBETWEEN function, 228, 928
Random Number Generation dialog box, 789–790
Random Number Generation tool, Analysis ToolPak add-in,
random sampling, 792
Random Seed field, Random Number Generation dialog box,
range argument
COUNTIF function, 287
SUMIF function, 302
range copy.xlsm sample file, 942
range move.xlsm sample file, 942
Range object, 816
range_lookup argument
HLOOKUP function, 314
VLOOKUP function, 312
adjusting external properties, 688–689
appropriate for pivot tables, 700
converting from table to, 113
copying or moving
adjacent cells, 82–83
copying to other sheets, 83
drag-and-drop, 81–82
Office Clipboard, 84–85
overview, 78–79, 888–889, 891
Paste Special dialog box, 87–89
pasting, 85–86
Ribbon commands, 79–80
shortcut keys, 81
shortcut menu commands, 80–81
copying variable-size, 889
counting characters in, 371–372
counting differences between, 384

assigning user permissions, 641
overview, 638
sheet protection options, 640
unlocking cells, 639–640
Protection option
Add Scenario dialog box, 756
Style dialog box, 134
Protection tab, Format Cells dialog box, 639
Publish as PDF Or XPS dialog box, 645
Publish to Excel Services option, 614
pushpin icon, 144
PV (Present Value), 330
PV function
function of, 924
overview, 333

quarters, determining, 271
QUARTILE function, 919
QUARTILE.EXC function, 931
QUARTILE.INC function, 931
Queries tab, Choose Data Source dialog box, 682
query, defined, 678
Query application
data returned
adjusting external data range properties, 688–689
changing, 690
deleting, 690
refreshing, 689–690
database files, 681
overview, 680
Query Wizard
choosing columns, 684–685
filtering data, 685–686
Finish step, 686–687
sort order, 686
selecting data source, 682–684
specifying location for data, 687–688
using without Wizard
adding and editing records in external database
tables, 693
creating query manually, 690–692
formatting data, 693
using multiple database tables, 692–693
question mark (?) wildcard character, 77, 242
Quick Access toolbar
adding Camera tool to, 535
adding command, 41

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