#VALUE! error value, 219, 656
Value Field Settings dialog box, 707
VALUE function, 932
Value property
defined, 864
ScrollBar control, 870
SpinButton control, 870
actual versus displayed errors, 658–659
converting to, 228
counting formulas, 286
creating array constants from, 367
creating arrays from, 366–367
custom functions, 826
displaying as text, 235–236
entering and editing, 32–33
formulas, 304–305
looking up by using closest match, 327–328
looking up from multiple lookup tables, 321
lookup formulas, 318–320
pie chart, 425
returning only positive, 394
sorting dynamically, 396
summing, 388–390
tracing errors with Excel Auditing tools, 665
Values (V) option, Paste Special dialog box, 86, 87
Values & Number Formatting (A) option, Paste Special
dialog box, 86, 88
Values & Source Formatting (E) option, Paste Special dialog
box, 86
Values area, pivot table, 705
values argument, Series formula, 459
Values in Reverse Order option, 450
VAR function, 919
Var summary formula, 108
declaring types, 901–902
Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) macros, 817
Variant data types, 901
VARP function, 919
VAR.P function, 931
VARPA function, 932
Vary Colors by Point option, 474
VB Projects, protecting, 644–645
VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) functions, 800–801, 823
VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) macros. See Visual Basic
for Applications macros
vba functions.xlsm sample file, 941
vbAbortRetryIgnore constant, MsgBox function, 840
vbCritical constant, MsgBox function, 841
vbDefaultButton1 constant, MsgBox function, 841
user interface (continued)
Quick Access toolbar, 541–546
Ribbon feature, 546–549
modifying, 913
user permissions, 641
accelerator keys, 856
ActiveX controls
adding, 843–844, 862
adjusting properties, 844–845, 862–863
CheckBox, 866–867
ComboBox, 867–868
CommandButton, 868
common properties, 863–864
creating macros for, 864–866
design mode, 862
Image, 868
Label, 868
linking controls to cells, 864
ListBox, 868–869
OptionButton, 869
overview, 861
reasons for using, 859–861
ScrollBar, 869–870
SpinButton, 870–871
TextBox, 871–872
ToggleButton, 872
alternatives to
InputBox function, 838–839
MsgBox function, 839–842
controlling tab order, 856–857
defined, 801
displaying, 846
examples of
creating, 847–848, 850–852
creating event-handler procedures, 849, 853–854
overview, 846
testing, 848, 852, 854–855
handling events, 846
making available from worksheet button, 855
making available on Quick Access toolbar, 855–856
overview, 837–838, 842–846, 909–910
reasons for creating, 837–857
Validation option, Paste Special dialog box, 88
value axis, 407, 448–452
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