Excel 2010 Bible

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Part IV: Using Advanced Excel Features


Only the active sheet is saved. If your workbook has multiple sheets, you must save each sheet to a separate
PDF or XPS file. n

Marking a workbook final

Excel lets you mark a document as “final.” This action makes two changes to the workbook:

l It makes the workbook read-only so that the file can’t be saved using the same name.

l (^) It makes the workbook view-only so that nothing may be changed. When you open a
finalized document, you see a message below the Ribbon. You can override its “final” sta-
tus by clicking the Edit Anyway button.
To finalize a workbook, choose File ➪ Info ➪ Protect Workbook ➪ Mark as Final. Excel displays a
dialog box in which you can confirm your choice.
Marking a document as final is not a security measure. Anyone who opens the workbook can cancel the mark
as final designation. Therefore, this method doesn’t guarantee that others will not change the workbook. n

Inspecting a workbook

If you plan to distribute a workbook to others, you may want to have Excel check the file for hid-
den data and personal information. This tool can locate hidden information about you, your orga-
nization, or about the workbook. In some situations, you may not want to share this information
with others.

To inspect a workbook, choose File ➪ Info ➪ Check for Issues ➪ Inspect Document. The
Document Inspector dialog box opens, as shown in Figure 31.9. Click Inspect, and Excel displays
the results of the inspection and gives you the opportunity to remove the items it finds.

If Excel identifies items in the Document Inspector, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they should be removed. In
other words, you should not blindly use the Remove All buttons to remove the items that Excel locates. For
example, you may have a hidden sheet that serves a critical purpose. Excel will identify that hidden sheet and
make it very easy for you to delete it. To be on the safe side, always make a backup copy of your workbook
before running the Document Inspector. n

Using a digital signature

Excel lets you add a digital signature to a workbook. Using a digital signature is somewhat analo-
gous to signing a paper document. A digital signature helps to assure the authenticity of the work-
book and also ensures that the content hasn’t been modified since it was signed.
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