Chapter 33: Getting Data from External Database Files
If you want to see the data for a particular column, select the column and click the Preview Now
button. If you accidentally add a column that you don’t need, select it in the right panel and click
the < button to remove it.
For this example, add all the fields and then click the Next button.
Query Wizard: Filtering data
In the second step of the Query Wizard , specify your record selection criteria — how you want
to filter the data. This step is optional. If you want to retrieve all the data, just click the Next
button to proceed.
Figure 33.7 shows the Filter Data dialog box of the Query Wizard.
In the second step of the Query Wizard, you specify how you want to filter the data.
For the example, not all records are needed. Recall that you’re interested only in the records in
which all the following applies:
l The Division is N. America.
l (^) The Department is Training.
l The Category is Compensation.
l (^) The Year is 2009.
l The Month is Jan, Feb, or Mar.
The criteria are entered by column. In this case, you have five criteria (one for each of five
l (^) From the Column to Filter list, select Division. In the right panel, select equals from the
first drop-down list and then select N. America from the second drop-down list.
l (^) From the Column to Filter list, select Department. In the right panel, select equals from
the first drop-down list and then select Training from the second drop-down list.