Excel 2010 Bible

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Part V: Analyzing Data with Excel


l (^) From the Column to Filter list, select Category. In the right panel, select equals from the
first drop-down list and then select Compensation from the second drop-down list.
l (^) From the Column to Filter list, select Year. In the right panel, select equals from the first
drop-down list and then select 2009 from the second drop-down list.
l (^) From the Column to Filter list, select Month. In the right panel, select equals from the first
drop-down list and then select Jan from the second drop-down list. And because this col-
umn is filtered by multiple values, select the Or option button and then select equals and
Feb from the drop-down lists in the second row. Finally, select equals and Mar from the
drop-down lists in the third row.
To review the criteria that you entered, select the column from the Column to Filter list. The
Query Wizard displays the criteria that you entered for the selected column. Notice that columns
that are used in the query display in bold.
After you enter all the criteria, click Next.
Query Wizard: Sort order
The third step of the query lets you specify how you want the records to be sorted (see Figure 33.8).
This step is optional, and you can click Next to move to the next step if you don’t want the data
sorted or if you prefer to sort it after it’s returned to your worksheet.
For this example, sort by Category in ascending order. You can specify as many sort fields as you
like. Click Next to move on to the next step.
Query Wizard: Finish
The final step of the Query Wizard, shown in Figure 33.9, lets you save the query so that you can
reuse it. To save the query, click Save Query and then enter a filename.
Select an option that corresponds to what you want to do with the returned data. Normally, you
want to return the data to Excel. If you know how to use the Microsoft Query application, you can
return the data to Query and examine it or even modify the selection criteria.
In the third step of the Query Wizard, you specify the sort order.

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