Attraction Isn't A Choice

(Kiana) #1

Did you ever consider that it might be useful to take a little time out and
consider what it might be like to be an attractive woman, walking through life
having almost every man you see light up with the "Whoa" look and using the
same-old, ―Wow, you‘re beautiful‖ line to talk with her?


What do you think we might be able to figure out if we just took a few
minutes to explore what an attractive woman's PRIVATE life is like?

Here are a few things that I've come up with:

  1. Most attractive women are BORED OUT OF THEIR MINDS by most
    men. One of the reasons is that guys have NO IDEA what to do when
    they run into an attractive woman, so they do the same default thing:
    With a dumb look on their face, they offer her a compliment she‘s
    already heard tons of times.

  2. As I've said before, and as I'm sure I'll say many more times in the
    future: You can't BORE a woman into feeling attracted to you. If she's
    most likely got a boring life like everyone else, and you do something
    that every one of the other 499 guys she's going to walk by this month
    did, then you're probably not going to attract any special attention.

  3. If you just start with the idea of NOT DOING WHAT OTHER GUYS DO,
    you will be WAAAAYYYY ahead of the game.

Wow, this is fun, isn't it? Bet you never thought I‘d have you thinking like
a woman, did ya?

Don‘t Be Predictable

We all know what Reverse Psychology is, right? I once read that the
surgeon general's warning on cigarette packages may be one of the reasons
why cigarettes are so POPULAR.

Here's the logic: When a person sees that warning that is telling them
that it's dangerous to smoke, they think to themselves "Hey, I'm living in the
fast lane and I can handle the danger... I'll show everyone how cool I am by
smoking these dangerous cigarettes..." Interesting idea, isn't it?

Well, it doesn't really matter if you believe that particular example. What does
matter is that you learn how to use the idea of Reverse Psychology when it
comes to your success with women. Reverse Psychology is powerful because it
usually obvious.

I‘ve always loved to use Reverse Psychology when it comes to attractive
women. Most guys don't really think about the fact that most attractive

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