Attraction Isn't A Choice

(Kiana) #1

Many of their beliefs, thoughts, actions, and communications clearly
demonstrate this behavior... in fact, I think it's actually wired into our western
culture in a thousand little ways.

Men are often expected to approach women, pursue women, compliment
them, buy them gifts and food, be "nice" and respectful, and even get down
on one knee and offer a diamond worth several months of hard work when
requesting a woman's hand in marriage.

In fact, many of us have been raised by our mothers and programmed with
these ideas ALL OUR LIVES.

Here are a few of the other beliefs and behaviors that flow from this key

 I need to approach and pursue women.

 I need to convince women that I'm worthy of their approval.

 I shouldn't upset a woman.

 I'd better not mess this up, because I have a lot to lose.

 If she rejects me, it will be an important event and carry a lot of

 I had better impress her as often as I can.

 I should let her be in control.

 If attractive women aren't interested in me, then I must be the

 "Nice" guys finish first, and I had better be "nice" to women.

As a result of these beliefs, attractive women have the power because we
unknowingly give it away to them. The REALITY of this situation is rather
shocking, but obvious when you take the time to think about it.

Ask yourself this question: How many ―physically attractive women‖ have
you known?

Most people have met HUNDREDS of attractive women. Ask 10 attractive
women this question, and they'll tell you that beautiful women are

A REAL MAN, however, who has life together is FAR MORE RARE AND
DESRIABLE than an attractive woman.

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