Preparing for Change: Positive Mindsets Bring Improvement
Lots of Preparation for a Few Key Moments
As in martial arts, you are going to do a lot of preparation for just a few
key moments of execution.
The posture, eye contact, facial gestures, tone of voice, mindset, etc., all
come down to that moment when a stunning 10 walks by and you either
properly execute on the situation, flub it because you don‘t know what to do,
or just fail to make the approach.
You‘re preparing for that second, learning all the things you need to do,
and practicing them so you can do them right for the instant when it counts.
You CAN ―Get It‖
I have a friend who once said, ―If you haven‘t figured it out by now, then
you don‘t get it and never will.‖ When I heard this attitude, I realized how
strongly I disagreed with it.
Not understanding something causes a lot of people to just give up on it,
and that means they have no chance of ever getting anywhere with it.
Just because something seems utterly incomprehensible to you does not
mean there isn‘t a logical explanation behind it, or that you will never be able
to reach an understanding of it. You have to believe that it‘s possible for you
to completely not ―get‖ things, and that it‘s likely that there are a lot of
different areas that are counterintuitive, not obvious, etc., and yet still
approach life, psychology, behavior, and other areas, with an inquisitive mind.
By being willing to accept that you may not have, or even be able to grasp
all the answers just yet... but to know that they are out there... creates a
mental frame that propels you forward instead of getting you stuck.
The people who do ―get it‖ may be at a place in their mind where they
think that what they know or do is obvious and that everyone should get it;
that what they do or understand is nothing special, and therefore not worth
explaining or trying to communicate to others. Or, maybe it‘s just too hard to
explain, like gestures, voice tone, interactions, while naturally interpreted by
those who can, are hard to explain with words. Or, they could be thinking, ―I
get something that no one else gets, and I might as well keep it as my secret.‖
People are selfish and competitive this way, and this kind of thinking is