showing progress toward
goal with meter, 26 – 29
turning into editable
field, 60
using transformations to
rotate, 157 , 161
email field input type, 38, 42
<embed>, 131– 132
Embedded OpenType (EOT),
165 – 166
encoding audio and video for
Web, 273 – 274
EOT (Embedded OpenType),
EventSource, 249
EventSource object, 247
ExplorerCanvas library, 118 –
119 , 124
fades, creating with transi-
tions, 169
fail() callback, 175 , 177
FAQs (frequently asked ques-
tions), defining with descrip-
tion list, 34 – 35
fetchNotes() method, 195 , 197
filter effects, CSS, 239 , 250–
3D Canvas with WebGL
supported by, 240
about quick reference of
new elements support-
ed by, 253 – 254
about shorthand code for
browser, xiii
adoption of CSS3 and
HTML5 by, 8
alternative to drawing in,
audio and video features
supported in, 131
audio codecs supported
by, 135
combinations of contain-
ers and codecs support-
ed by, 135
Cross-Origin Resource
Sharing supported by,
features for storing data
on client supported by,
Flexible Box model sup-
ported by, 239
fonts supported by, 165
HTML5 APIs supported
by, 207 – 208
IndexedDB supported by,
interface accessibility
techniques supported
by, 92
live regions supported by,
media queries support in,
new elements supported
by, 14
participating in real-time
chats using, 223
playing MP4 files, 145
providing hints with
placeholder text in, 52
selectors supported by,
67 – 68
Server-Sent Events sup-
ported by, 239
support for working of-
fline in, 203 , 205– 206
user interface features
supported by, 151 – 152
vendor-specific prefixes
used in, 88
VP8 codec supported by,
Web SQL Databases API
and, 202
Web Workers supported
by, 239
:first-childselector, 67
:first-of-type selector, 68
Flash Player
browsers participating in
real-time chats using,
delivering audio and
video content, 132
delivering video using,
support of H.264 codec,
supporting Flash-based
fallback, 143
Video.js using, 145
working with containers
and codecs, 135
Flash Socket Policy file, 225 ,
flex items, in HTML5 tem-
plate, 241
Flexible Box model
about, 239
defining layouts with,
240 – 242
Flexie forcing, 242
focus effect, 61
creating, 173
font stacks, 168 , 276
@font-face directive
about, 165
redistribution rights and,
about, 164
about resources for, 276
browsers supporting,
171 – 172
changing, 165 – 167
choosing in adding text
to canvas, 116
converting, 167
@font-face directive, 165
format of, 165
rights and, 166
FontSquirrel font, 165 , 275
about, 14
in semantic markup for
blog, 18
frames, support for, 7
frequently asked questions
(FAQs), defining with de-
scription list, 34 – 35
future of HTML5 and CSS3,
Geolocation API
about, 208
discovering where people
are with, 227 – 230
getContext() method, 112
getData() method, 235
getLatitudeAndLongitude() method,
229 – 230
getNote() method, 197
Google, see also Chrome
adoption of HTML5 and
CSS3 by, 8
ClientLocation() method, 230
fetching video from
YouTube, 243 – 247
Static Map API, 227 – 228
VP8 and WebM support-
ed by, 136
YouTube support of
H.264 codec, 134
Google Font API, 166
Index • 283
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