HTML5 and CSS3, Second Edition

(singke) #1
gradient fill, in styling meter
element, 28 – 29
gradient objects, creating with
canvas, 118
gradients, user interface fea-
about, 151
adding to backgrounds,
157 , 159– 160
creating with SVG, 126 –
operations on elements,
250 – 252
creating using canvas,
120 – 125
turning HTML into bar
graph, 122 – 124
grayscale() filter effect, 250

H.264 codec
about, 133 – 134
browsers supporting, 133
encoding to, 274
Flash Player and, 132
H5F library, building valida-
tion with, 57 – 58
handheld media type, 81
about, 14
assigning unique id to,
in semantic markup for
blog, 17
headings, associating with
columns, 106
hide() method, 103
History API
about, 207
managing browser history
using, 209 – 212
:hover, 69
:hover effect, 61, 251
href attribute, 31, 103, 209
describing data with,
121 – 122
turning into bar graph,
122 – 124
HTML and CSS: Design and
Build Websites (Duckett),


about, xi
benefits of, 1 – 4
challenges of, 5 – 9
platform vs. specification,
specification for, 275
template, 241
html5shiv, 25
html5shiv blog, 25
hue-rotate() filter effect, 251
Hydrogen Audio (website),

id attribute
adding to <section>, 107
assigning to header
unique, 107
Impact library, 129
in-place editing, using contente-
ditable attribute, 38, 59– 65
about, 184
building interface, 190 –
creating and connecting
to database, 193 – 194
creating records, 198 –
creating table, 194
deleting records, 200 – 201
fetching specific record,
196 – 197
loading application, 195 –
storing data in client-side
database using, 190
updating records, 199
IndexedDBShim, 202
init() function, 211
input fields
autofocus support, 3 8 , 4 9
building validation with
required fields, 38, 57
color, 38, 43
creating using range with
sliders, 40
describing data with new,
39 – 48
detecting features with
Modernizr library, 47 –
email, 38, 42
handling numbers with
spinboxes, 38, 40

providing hints with
placeholder text, 38,
50 – 53
recording dates, 38, 41
replacing color picker,
44 – 47
search field, 38
URL, 43
insertNote() method, 198 – 199
interfaces, overview, 2
interfaces, user, see al-
so screen readers
about, 151
adding drop shadows to,
157 , 160
adding to backgrounds
gradients for, 157 ,
159 – 160
making things move,
169 – 178
rotating elements in,
151 , 157, 161
rounding rough edges,
153 – 156
using media queries for
building mobile, 81 – 83
working with fonts, 164 –
Internet Explorer
about quick reference of
new elements support-
ed by, 253 – 254
about resources for, 276
about shorthand code for
browser, xiii
adoption of CSS3 and
HTML5 by, 8
alternative to drawing in,
audio and video features
supported in, 131
combinations of contain-
ers and codecs support-
ed by, 135
Cross-Document Messag-
ing supported by, 218
Cross-Origin Resource
Sharing supported by,
Drag and Drop supported
by, 236
features for storing data
on client supported by,
fonts supported by, 165
handling old versions of,

Index • 284

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