HTML5 APIs supported
by, 207 – 208
IndexedDB supported by,
interface accessibility
techniques supported
by, 92
selectors supported by,
67 – 68
Server-Sent Events sup-
ported by, 239
support for working of-
fline in, 203
video codecs supported
in, 133
web form features sup-
ported by, 38
Web SQL Databases API
in, 202
Web Workers supported
by, 239
saturate() filter effect, 251
Scalable Vector Graphics
about element, 111
about future of using,
129 – 130
adding shapes using, 128
browsers supporting, 165
creating vector graphics
with, 126 – 129
drawing lines using <poly-
line> in, 126 – 127
<scope>, 92
scope attribute, 106
screen readers
about, 91
creating accessible updat-
able region, 98 – 103
providing navigation
hints with ARIA roles,
93 – 97
survey on users of, 98
search field input type, 38
about, 14
adding id attribute to, 107
in semantic markup for
blog, 19
vs. <article>, 19
Selectivizr library, using, 76
about, 4
:after, 68, 78– 80
:before, 78– 80
column-rule:, 68
:first-child, 67
:first-of-type, 68
:last-child, 67, 73
:last-of-type, 68
:nth-child, 67, 72
:nth-last-child, 67, 74
:nth-of-type, 67, 71
semantic markup
about redefining blog us-
ing, 15 – 25
<article> using with, 14,
19 – 20
<aside> using with, 14,
20 – 22
browser support of, 24 –
content describing web
page in, 19 – 20
creating doctype, 17
custom data attributes,
description lists, 14
<div> using with, 13
<footer> using with, 18
<header> using with, 14,
<meta> using with, 17
<meter> using with, 14
<nav> using with, 14, 18–
<progress> using with, 14
<section> using with, 14,
sidebars, 22
styling, 22 – 24
sepia() filter effect, 250
Server-Sent Events, 239 ,
247 – 250
about, 184
vs. localStorage, 189
setData() method, 234
setupChat() function, 222 – 223 ,
adding to elements, 157 ,
text, 161
shake effect, creating, 173 –
adding using SVG, 128
drawing on canvas paths
and, 116 – 117
Sharp, Remy, 25
html5shiv blog, 25
show() method, 103
showLocation() method, 228
showNote() method, 197
sidebars, in semantic markup
for blog, 22
SimpleColor plug-in, 45
slider (range) input type, 40
sortable() method, 237
<source>, 131, 137, 139
<span>, 61
specification vs. platform,
HTML5, xi–xii
as number type, 38
handling numbers with,
SQLite, 202
src: url, user interface feature
about, 152
changing font using, 165
loading script using, 188
Static Map API, 227 – 228
storage, client-side, 5, 259
styling, in semantic markup
for blog, 22 – 24
SVG (Scalable Vector Graph-
about element, 111
about future of using,
129 – 130
adding shapes using, 128
creating vector graphics
with, 126 – 129
drawing lines using <poly-
line> in, 126 – 127
<table>, 106, 108
table accessibility, improving,
104 – 108
creating records using
IndexedDB in, 198 – 199
creating using Indexed-
DB, 194
deleting records using In-
dexedDB in, 200 – 201
updating records using
IndexedDB in, 199
tables, styling with pseudo-
classes, 69 – 77
about, 69 – 71
aligning column text with
:nth-child, 72– 73
bolding last row with :last-
child, 73– 74
Index • 288
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