Seven Databases, Seven Languages
There’s so much new to learn with the latest crop of NoSQL databases. And instead of
learning a language a year, how about seven?
Data is getting bigger and more complex by the day,
and so are your choices in handling it. From traditional
RDBMS to newer NoSQL approaches, Seven Databases
in Seven Weeks takes you on a tour of some of the
hottest open source databases today. In the tradition
of Bruce A. Tate’s Seven Languages in Seven Weeks,
this book goes beyond your basic tutorial to explore
the essential concepts at the core of each technology.
Eric Redmond and Jim R. Wilson
(354 pages) ISBN: 9781934356920. $35
You should learn a programming language every year,
as recommended by The Pragmatic Programmer. But
if one per year is good, how about Seven Languages in
Seven Weeks? In this book you’ll get a hands-on tour
of Clojure, Haskell, Io, Prolog, Scala, Erlang, and Ruby.
Whether or not your favorite language is on that list,
you’ll broaden your perspective of programming by
examining these languages side-by-side. You’ll learn
something new from each, and best of all, you’ll learn
how to learn a language quickly.
Bruce A. Tate
(330 pages) ISBN: 9781934356593. $34.95
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