Tinker, Tailor, Solder, and DIY!
Get into the DIY spirit with Raspberry Pi or Arduino. Who knows what you’ll build next...
The Raspberry Pi is a $35, full-blown micro computer
that runs Linux. Use its video, audio, network, and
digital I/O to create media centers, web servers, inter-
faces to external hardware—you name it. And this book
gives you everything you need to get started.
Maik Schmidt
(149 pages) ISBN: 9781937785048. $17
Arduino is an open-source platform that makes DIY
electronics projects easier than ever. Even if you have
no electronics experience, you’ll be creating your first
gadgets within a few minutes. Step-by-step instructions
show you how to build a universal remote, a motion-
sensing game controller, and many other fun, useful
projects. This book has now been updated for Arduino
1.0, with revised code, examples, and screenshots
throughout. We’ve changed all the book’s examples
and added new examples showing how to use the Ar-
duino IDE’s new features.
Maik Schmidt
(272 pages) ISBN: 9781934356661. $35
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