(Wang) #1
' '5
'Some persons say that, if me
Cp. i. 5. 4 2 ; Met. iii. 2,

iZ'OTES, BOOK 111. 4.

r,jv sai8ciav 6' chBQs K.T.X.
rro no further than education, even this should be different.'
in g 6 above, rieiis C'K +uxtjs mi mJpam.
, oo4 %. 5, ;rrr;pXfi y&p rLBh yiuq Zxovra vi) EV KU; 7; O'V.

pj pol rh Kdpq.'.
'The whole fragment, which appears to contain a piece of advice
aildressed to young princes, is given by Nauck, Eurip. Aeol.

FY. 16 :-
Xapspoi 6' iw alxpazs *Apcos Zw rc uuXXdyois,
pi poi rh KO~+& 7ioiKihoi yadaro,
&A' Lu a6Xa 861, pLsydXa pouhE6oiwr' ;ti.
?'\YO points strike us about quotations from the poets which
occur in -4ristotle : I) The familiarity with the words which they
imply in the reader ; for they are often cited in half lines only,
which would be unintelligible unless the context was present to the
mind. We are reminded that the Greek like some of our English
xouth aere in the habit of committing to memory entire poets
(Plat. Laws vii. 810 E). z) The remoteness and ingenuity of the
application. For a similar far fetched quotation, cp. infra c. 5. 8 9.




6; 6; $ air$ dp~$ +XOUT~S TE dyadoi Ka'r ddpbs dydoi, VOXLT~ 8' iuri 4. 9.
6 dpxdpcvos, oix 6 ah1 dnhGs &v czq soX~'rou dvBpds, srvbs pdvror
'If the good man and the good ruler are to be identified, and
the subject is also a citizen, then the virtue of the good man is not
coextensive with the virtue of all good citizens, but only with that of

  1. certain citizen,' i.e. the citizen of a perfect state who is also a
    ruler, and therefore has a sphere lor the employment of his energies,
    VI'. Nit. Eth. vi. 8. $ 4.

0; yip $ ah$ ;~pXovros Kai soXirou, Ka'r 6rh roir' Zuos '~duov &#y lrr&jv, 4. 9.
pi rupauvoi, IS OCK isiurdpvos IBihrqs cLar.
Another illustration of the difference in the nature of the ruler
and of the citizen is contained in the saying of Jason, I) 'that he
had no choice between starvation and tyranny, for he had never
'earned how to lire in a private station '; or z)* ' that he felt a
sensation like hunger when not a tyrant ; for he was too proud to
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