(Wang) #1

state, that the passage from one class to another should be as easv
as possible under all forms of government. Such a pon.er of
extending, and including other classes is necessary to the very
existence of an oligarchy or of an aristocracy, or even of a
constitutional government. And the avenue by which the lon-cr
naturally pass into the higher is personal merit or fitness which
ought to overcome circumstances and not brat helplessly against
the bars of a prison. The gold Tx-hich the god has implanted
in a person of an inferior class should be allowed to find its place
(Plat. Rep. iii. 415), even if ve cannot degrade [he brass or lead
in the higher. The higher class too have governing qualities
which pass into the lower, and they themselves receive new Ilk
and new ideas from the association.

  1. 7, 8. npoarr#x’Au?rai Kal r&v &wv^6 vdpos. , OC piu riXXii K.T.X.
    &W is partitive: ‘The law goes so far as in addition to
    include some of the stranger class. Nevertheless, when there are
    citizens more than enough the IaTv which extended, again contracts,
    the right.’ For restrictions of population see Plat. Laws v. 740.

    1. TO~E cind yvuarx&v.
      I. e. whose mothers were free women and their fathers not
      slayes (for this case has been already provided for in the words ir:
      8oihou), but strangers or resident aliens.

    1. T&OS 6; pduou robs dp@oiv abdv.
      The i\ISS. read a3rSu: Schneider, folloiving Perizonius, has changed
      alruiu into darSu, and the emendation is adopted by Bekker in both
      editions : but I) the word (ids is of very rare occurrence in Aristotle;

  1. it would be in aivliward proximity to noXirqs : and 3) the change
    is unnecessary. Lit. ‘ they make only those of them (&&v) citizens,
    who are children of citizens both on the father’s and mother’s side.’
    ah&, though not exactly needed, is idiomatic.
    6.9. &E TLY’ dr/prpu pcravdarqv.
    Quoted also in Rhet. ii. 2, 1378 b. 33.
    application of Homer bk. i. 2. 4 9.
    to the meaning of drlpqios=~~p&v pi pfr;pv,
    singular in this; for quotations are constantly cited in new senses.

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