(Wang) #1
NOTES, BOOK 111. 9. Ivl
7b 8 &or o"r1 nrp'r ah%J 7) KPLUrS. 9. 2.
fiIen think themselves to be as good or better than others, and
therefore claim equal or greater political rights; e.g. they claim to
esercise the franchise without considering whether they are fit or
not. They can never see that they are inferior, and that therefore
it may be just for them to have less than others: cp. below $ 3.
iTnc;.. S'+qsar rbu ahAv rpd~ov in; TE 7fv npoypdrov Kai 0;s. e. 3.
Lit. ' Since justice is distributed in the same manner (Le. equally)
Over things and over persons.' rbv aCrbv rpdiiov is to be taken not
,Tit11 Gujpvrai, but with the words which folloTy= dpoios.
rijv ai ofs ;p@Lu~qro6ur. e. 3.
7ijy a/, sc. iudrqra is accusative after dp@iirPqroGur.
as above rb ot, the technical word for persons, lit. ' in relation
to the whom.' Cp. Nic. Eth. v. 3. $5 6, 7.
oh ydp cfvar Gkarov bov pfrixfru rfv &arb pviv 7b eiueukyyravra phv 9. 5.
pvkv r+ Bdvri 7i) Xornbv niv, oik 7fu 15 bpxijs O&E 7iv Isrcy~vopivwv.
Either I)* rfv it (ipx;Is is in apposition with 7iu d~ari)~ puiu or
with some more general word, such as xpqpdr~v, understood; or 2)
the words may=~fv ipx+ CiUfUfyKdUrWV 7~vd Le. either any of
hse who originally contributed, or any subsequent generation of
contributors. Cp. Burke; Ref. on F. R. (vol. v. p. 121, ed. ISIS),
'In these partnerships all men have equal rights, but not to equal
tliiligs. He that has but five shillings in the partnership has as
good a right to it as he that has five hundred pounds has to his
larger proportion. But he has not a right to an equal dividend in
the product of the joint stock.'
82 p<T€ 706 {$U pdVOV &JCXEV K.7.h.
6; introduces the opposite side of the question.

'If a good
life is the object, then the oligarch is wrong' (cp. above, $ 5, &e)
6 & ~hryap~~~f~ Xdyos 8d&1fY &V i&fiv), but the apodosis is lost in
what follows. For a similar anacoluthon cp. infra C. 12. $ 1.
Ka'r ybp 6v 8o;Xov KU'~ rfv Ahhov @ov $v sdhis.
Nit. Eth. x. 6. $ 8, cir%arpovkap 8' o&is &8pusd%y pzra8l6ouiv cl pi KU~



0:s u+poXa sp~bs o'~~j~ovs. G. 6.
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