(Wang) #1


Cp. above, c. 1. $ 4, TO;E dd uup~dXov ~oivovoiiriv.

is either I)* taken with rrcp'r dpfTjS ixipc)lls cbm, or 2) is 311

    1. pi Xdyou xdptu

explanation of LIS (iXq6'&, which it pleonastically emphasizes.

    1. yivr+ai yip^4 KoivwvIa.
      ' For otherwise the state becomes ' or would be.'
      Uvppx;a Ti)v ~hov Tdrv ata#;povua pivov ri)v znoerv uvpp~xwv.
      The construction is unsymmetrical, passing, as elsewhere, from
      the abstract to the concrete. ' A city is an alliance differing from
      any other allies [ = alliances]. xho are at a distance, in place onl! .'
      Or ri)v ShXov may be taken with UvppaXlGu, T&V dao&v UL~~~X'UV
      being epexegetic= other alliances of which the members live apari.

  1. S.

    1. ~v~d#pwv 6. UO+LUT+.
      4n obscure rhetorician who is censured in the Rhetoric (iii. e. 3.
      $5 1-3) for frigidity of style. It is also said that when set to make
      an encomium on the lxre he attacked sonie other thesis (Sopli.
      Eiench. c. 15, 174 b. 32), or, according to Alexander Aphroiii-
      siensis, he began nith the earthly lyre, and went on to speak 01
      the constellation Lyra. Lycophron seeins to have held the
      doctrine that ' the state is only a machine for the protection of life
      and property.' C'p, I<l~cl. i. 15: 1376 b. IO, &bs 6 vdps ~vv8jri

The opposite view is maintained in Burlie, French Revo1ut:ori
(vol. 1'. ed. 1815, p. 184): 'The state ought not to be considered
nothing better than a partnership agreement in a trade of pepper
and coffee, calico or tobacco, or some other such low concern, to
be taken up for a little temporary interest, and to be dissolved by
the fancy of the partners. It is to be looked upon with othtr
reverence, because it is not a partnership in things subservient
only to the gross animal existence of a temporary and perishable

71E c'UTLU.

  1. I I. ci yhp ai wvcA8orrv OU"W KOLVWO~VTPS, c"~ooros pivroc xp+o qj
    0i.l~ ~mtp ncihei xu; U$;ULV ahis Os impxias o~~uqs flotleocvras
    robs d81KOkaS pdvov, 06%' oGros bv cLar 8d&lc xd~lp Tois &pp~r 6'fopoi-
    ULY, tirep 6polos 6ptXoitv uuveXB6vTtp xui xop's,

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