(Wang) #1

1 16. irc Bi rj i~ rLv piuaw soh& ZWUT~PCO TOG bjpou i) 4 sv (j~i~~~,

Aristotle is giving a further reason why democracy is safer tilan
oligarchy, because it more nearly approximates to the pbq
ahich is the safest of all such forms of government, [~e. of all
except the perfect one]. Cp. iv. 11. $ 14,
;ncp refers to 4 C'K riv pioov rohtrch. roco6rov=the imperfect
An obscurity arises from the inversion of the subject, The
sentence=&jpos +yurLpu rjs riv ptuov vohtrrias 4 4 T& ahi-pv hrt
75s rLv piuw nOhlTfhS. The meaning nould be improved if, as in
some RISS., 4 before riv dhiyuv Mas oinitted.

qlT€p ;UdV dU$dfUTdTq TGV TOtO6TWV P0hWfli)V.

  1. I. The vis :,yovrfs, riuov ?VfKfV, rhs dpxai riv osciutov are the mate-
    rial, final and efficient causes of reiolutions.

    1. sfpi is tistl wyx~vopfv fipqKu'TfS.
      Sc. in vhat he has said about luov and Gvcuou in the preLious

    1. ai 6' airlac rtal c;p,ya:i ri)v KLV{UEOV, dScu ahol re 61aTWvrat r6v +q-
      ph~~ T~~TOU rui TC,~ T;V X~xBCVTwv, ZUTL piv &E TAU +;prBpdv id riyp

The seven causes are K~~SOS, nprj, @ips, $dpos, impox<, Km
@pdVquts, U~&ULS traph rb d~hh~you. Or, according to another aa\
of reckoning (n'hhov rpdnov), other elements, partly the same, and
partly different, are added, viz. @c&La, dhl yopin, piKphs, dvopldrv
As often happens both in the Politics (cp. bk. iv. c. 1) and In
the Ethics (cp. vii. cc. 1-10) of Aristotle, the order in which the
cases are at first enumerated is not the order in which they are
afterwards discussed ; the latter is as follows : Cppcs, ~i'p80~, rch
&ncpnX<, $@os, Kara+pdu~urr : the rest retain their original place.
To be taken closely with TAU cipqpivov rphov,
' in the manner which I have described, and about the things shlch
I have described,' sc. 4~80s and 71p4 to which rois ripqpCvOcs (4 5)
also refers.

IlouuLv o:oac, iurL a' nxfious.

sfppi 7i)v XcxB&rVrov.

2 5 &Ah' obx barirwp,
sc &UCI~TW TU++& The) are the same and not the- same. IThe
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