(Wang) #1

NOTES, BGGK I/. 3. I 89
love of gain seeks gain for itself, the love of honour IS jealous
of honour bestowed upon others.’
btb ptupdrqra, 2.6.
SC. 76s K~V{UCOS. cp. below, C. 3.^5 IO, ht 8th rb rap& pwp6w’
xiyu 8; naph pt~p:Po’~, &t ~OXX~KIE XavBdvet pcydXq ytvoyivq ptrdpauts ri)w
vop;po~, $raw sapopiiut rb ,ULK~~V K.T.X. for the explanation of the
svv;urqoav ol yv&ptpot &TI ri)v 6?pov 6th rhs hrt+fpop!vas 8iKas.
This and the revolution in Rhodes mentioned below (5 5) ap-
pear to be the same with that of which a more minute but some-
ahat obscure account is gicen in c. 5. $ 2-mentioned here as
illustrating fear and contempt ; in c. 5, as showing that revolutions
arise from the evil behaviour of demagogues in democracies ; two
accounts of the same event taken from different points of view,
but not inconsistent with each other. Rhodes was transferred
from the alliance of Athens to Sparta in 412, and remained the
ally of Sparta until after the battle of Cnidos in the year 394 B.C.
!hen the people, assisted by the Athenians, drove out the notables
who were afterwards restored by the help of Teleutias the
Lacedaemonian B.C. 390. Diod. Sic. xiv. 97; Xen. Hell. iv. 8.
Whether this latter revolution can be identified with the iravd-
mmts mentioned by Aristotle is uncertain.
aid rbs int+popivar 8[Kar. Cp. infra c. 5. 5 2, where the suits
against the rich at Rhodes appear to ha\e been brought by private
lndl\lduals; also Thuc. iii. 70.

0:~ KR~ iv erjpats per& riv iv Oivo+Crois pdxqv KWGS roXtrrvophmw rj a. 5.
8WKpQdQ Btc+~dpq.
Yet the destruction of the democracy seems hardly consistent
with the preponderance which the Athenians retained in Boeotia
during the nine years following the battle of Oenophyta (456), at
the end of which time, and not until after they had won the battle
of Coronea (447), all the Boeotians regained their independence.
(Thuc. i. 11 2.) Compare as bearing on Aristotle’s knowledge of
Theban history, infra c. 6. 8 15, and note.

i Mcyapiw [8qpo~paria aLCq,eripq] ciratiav Kai civapxiav jmleimov. S. 5.
Probably the same event mentioned infra’c. 5. 5 4, but apparently
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