(Wang) #1
210 A R?S TO TL E '5' POLIT?C$.
sibus fuit, quamquam armis pollerent, nisi quod victos pro alieni-
genis arcebant? .4t conditor nostri Romulus tantum sapic11::a
valuit, ut plerosque populos eodem die hostes, dein cives habuerii,'
and the real speech of Clsudius (given by Orelli and Nipperdvy in
their ed'tions).

    1. FBTL yhp &ump 8ipos ol Oopoio~, 6th KO; E'W ro&ors tyyiyvovrar 6ppa-
      YOYOl TOhhdKLS, 6U%'Fp f?/lqTflL IrpdTfpoU.
      487, sc. Cau ahslous Dui.
      &ump c$prar apdrfpov refers only to the Clause, 6rb Kai.. , TOX-
      X~KLS as will be seen from the comparison of c. 6. 5 6 (demagops
      in an oligarchy) where nothing is said about equals in an aristocracy
      becoming a democracy.

8.9. aplu aaprrXrp#&ai Kai ahods.
The construction is spb 7;s +LhOUfLKhE saperhq+'wnr mi n;ro& (x,

ailrobs may be either the subject or the object of napcrXI$vui,
with a slightly different meaning. Either *' before the spirit Gf con-
tention has also carried away or absorbed them,' or, ' before the)
too have caught the spirit of contention.'

robs :&), ;urfp 703s 2hhovs.

    1. 706 rip+aror 70; Kolvo~ rl a&yos.
      Le. the amount of the whole rateable property. The object il
      to preserve the same number of qualified persons, when the weak11
      of 3. city has increased or diminished.

  1. IO. uvp+'pc~ roi rcptjp'nror ~7rLuKosEiv roi KOL~O~ rb &jeOE spbs 76 IrapA-
    eb Kard TOSTOV TBV xpdvov, (v &ais pZw a&ur rrpiwrar KW' 6viaurdv,
    The words rtard rohou r6w xpduou, though somewhat pleona.tk,
    have a sufficiently good sense. The government is to cornpi.
    the present with the past value of property at that time, i. e. with
    the property serving as a qualification at the time nhen thz
    change is occurring (thopias vopbparos ytyuopivp). The words
    are placed after Karl iuiaurb by Susemihl following the authority of
    IViIliam of Moerbek, but the meaning is thus over emphasized.
    \Vith Knr' ivtuur~v repeat Kar' ~UL~JT~Y ;rrtuKonfh K.T.~.

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