(Wang) #1

'VOTES, EOGK I.'. 8. 211
iV sip? Ka'r &yapxi? Ka'r povapxL'9 Kai adug TOALT~~. 8.12.
rai povapxl? is omitted by Bekker in his second edition, but is
fdund in the best MSS. The advice given is at least as applicable
kings as to other rulers of states. dug mkirdq=not 'every
constitutional government' but in a more general sense 'every
form of government.' (See note on text.)

Tils xopaurdurrs ahrtjv. 8.12.
=TOLE sapaurdras, 'their followers ' or ' followings.'

Tds &has duvp+6ppos spds rr)u nohsiav.
.Is an example of a life unsuited to the state of which they are

Litixns may be cited the case of the Spartan Ephors, ii. 9. $ 24.

rohou 6' JKOS TI del rois dUTiKfLpdVOlS poplois f'yxfipi[crv TAS spdtcis KU~ 8. 14.
7;s dpxyds.
In this favourite remedy of conservation by antagonism,' which
i. really only an ' unstable equilibrium,' Aristotle does not seem to
see how much of the force of the state is lost.

pova,y&s 6i ai iu8iXcrai Bpa cbai SgpoKparhv Kai dptoroupariav, ti 8. I 7.
roikv, sc. 72) p) dnd 6v dp~lv .wpSa;vatv, to be gathered from the
previous sentence.

dvriypa+a Karh +parpias Kai Xdxous Kal +uXhs Tt86douav. 8. 19.
Xdxoi are military divisions to which in some states civil divisions
appear to have corresponded. Cp. Xen. Hier. c. 9. $ j, Giipqvrac
P~V y6p Bnauar ai n6Xeis ai pdv Karh +vXhs ai Si Karh poipas qi a; rtarh
X6,yous* KU~ zpxovrcs &$' ~K~UT? plpci i+rrrjKaurv. The accounts
apparently are to be deposited at the bureaus or centres of such

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