(Wang) #1


members of their own family. He means to say that Dion drove
Dionysius who was his kinsman, although he himself perished
*,Ore than twelve months afterwards when the revolution was
completed. Or, ‘Dion did indeed perish (as 1 have already
implied), but not until he had driven out his kinsman Dionysius.’

plixxov rb piuos, 10.35.
SC. xpijrai T+ hoyirp+ which is supplied from the preceding

$gas alrias ripiKapw T?S TE AXiyapXias, 10.35.
SC. + $flop& T+ dXiyapXias, understood from the general
meaning of the preceding passage.

0; yiyuourai 6’ hi pauiXriaL uiiv. 10.37.
Cp. iii. 14. § 13, a passage in which the gradual decline of royalty
i\ described.

AX’ a*v nrp yiyuovrai, povapxiar [wi] TU~UVV~&S pZiXov. 10.37.
The objection to the Ka‘r (which is found in all the MSS.) is that
povopxia is elsewhere the generic word (cp. supra $5 I, z), including
BuuiXsr‘u and TUpQVViS. If we accept the reading of the RISS., some
general idea, ‘wherever there are such forms of government ’ must
be supplied with ylyuourai from pauiXfiai. ‘ There are no royalties
nowadays : but if there are any,’ or rather ‘ instead of them mere
monarchies and tyrannies.’ Here ‘ monarchies ’ is taken in some
specific bad or neutral Sense opposed to @auihs;ai. But a variation
In a technical use of language which he was endeavouring to fix,
hi was not always capable of himself observing, is not a serious
objection to a reading found in Aristotle’s Politics.

h$;a yirp f‘yyivfro i Kaf&tTlS.
‘ For their overthrow was easily effected.’ The imperfect graphi-


cally represents the historical fact.

4 nfpi ~oXorrois pautXria.
cp. supra, c. 10. $ 8.

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