(Wang) #1

11.2. Theopompus is said by Tyrtaeus to have terminated the first
RIessenian War, Fr. 3 Eergk, Poet. Lyr. Graeci :-
'Hpm'py pauiXqi &oh @hy Bcondpny,
6~ 6rh nifuujqv tlXopcv +;XOPOV,
~cuujvqv dyaeiv ptv Jpoh, dyaBjv 6; $urc&iv.
dp$ fllhjV 6' 2pbXOVT' iVVcUrtd8fK' &'q
voXcp;os, de; raXauL$pova Btphv Z,ywrcs
aixpqra; naripov ipcripov naripes.
&our+ 6' ol piu Karh mova ;pya Xi7idwTf9,
+c;yov 'IBopaiov f'~ pcydhwv dpiov.
According to Plutarch, Lyc. 7, he increased the power of tiic
Ephors, but he also made the i;+p~ more stringent which forb&
the people to amend or modify proposals submitted to them.
In this passage the institution of the Ephors is attributed :o
Theopompus, but in ii. c. 9 it seems to be assumed that Ljcurgus
is the author of all the Spartan institutions : see note in Zoc.

  1. 5.^6 ylp yu&~rs 7ihw ?role; pihXov nphs dXXjhous.
    Cp. Thuc. viii. 66 where the difficulty of overthrowing the 400
    is attributed to the uncertainty of the citizens as to nho were 01
    were not included in the conspiracy.

11.6, ~(11 rb TO~S inrSqpoGVras (id +avcpoir &at Kai 8tarp$?siv mpi 0rlpas
f'vlir8qpo;~as is translated by William de hloerbek nithour an!
authority praefectos populi,' apparently an etymological guess.
mpi Blpas. In
whichever way the \\ords are taken, the general meaning IS the
same, viz. that the people are not to hide but to show themselves

Either *(at his gate' or 'at their own gates.'

    1. KO; rb iriqras noicb rois J~xop~vous, rupavvtdv, &os ;i TC $via4
      I) * Reading ti rc with Beklier's second edition after Victorius :
      ' Also he should impoverish his subjects that he may find money
      for the support of his guards.' Yet the mode of expression is
      indirect and awkward. If z) we retain pjrf with the RISS. \ye
      must translate either ' that he may not have to keep soldiers,' for
      his suhjects will keep them for him ; or, ' so that a guard need not

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