(Wang) #1

  1. IO. ~~'ovXopi;vou $u n&rou, Svvapiuou 6i pLX1ma ro;rou.
    Cp. note on text.

  2. I I. Ka'l yip^6 Gijpos ttar poiXrrac pdvapxos.
    i. e. ' for they are both alike.'

    1. 4Ay y8p 6 ~AOS, Gump $ mporpL[n.
      Sc. ;KKpOkIL, ' one nail is knocked out by another ' = one rogue
      is got rid of by another. That is to say ; ' The tyrant finds ill
      rogues hnntly and useful instruments.' Such appears to bt. the
      application of the proverb in this passage. Yet the cornmoil
      meaning of it given in collections of proverbs is that 'one evil i,
      mendcd by another.' Cp. Lucian, Pro Lapsu inter Salutandum, 4 7,
      pyiu 61 mi <Aha ZK re noipriw KU~ uuyypa$~o~ KU~ @rhoudr$ou Kura6fi&,
      mi ?pv, nporrpburov rb Cymlvriv, rotro pdu napurriuopar, &E prj ris
      i;ncrpoKnhiau TLYB pripuKLbGq ~KTE'U~ poi rA uiwpoppa Ka'r Klv~vvfbo~~u
      dXhy $, ~KK~O;W rbv jhou.

    1. (iimbv yAp e2vni pdvov d[io; rorohou 6 r~pauvos.
      Compare the saying attributed to the Russian Emperor Paul, '11
      n'y a pas de considdrable ici que la personne 21 laquelle je park, rt
      pendant le tenips que je lui park.' Wallace's Russia, p. 280, ed. 8.

  3. I 4. o;Xv 6' AhrinrL pox8qpins.
    Sc. 5 rCpnuuos; or 01'8;~ may be the nominative to 2hhrinfL.

    1. <is oes piu odu Gpous. ,. r$pouiu~v.
      The end of ,C 16 is bracketed by Bekker in his 2nd Edition (af[cr
      Schneidcr). It is only a repetition of what goes before, the rhrce
      aim of the tyrant being stated in a diKerent order.
      The 1st in 3 15 = 3rd in 16.
      ,, 2nd ,, - - 1st ,,
      ,' 3rd !, = 2nd ,,
      The parallel words are either a summary or a duplicate.
      But there is no reason for excluding either of the two passW
      any more than for excluding the repetitions in Homer. Both
      versions can hardly be supposed to have come from the hand of
      Aristotie, but they belong to a text which we cannot go behind.

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