(Wang) #1


certain periods of the year and ' should remember to support tlirir
station with becoming dignity,' p. 476. cp. Hallam, Mid. Ages i. 66,
' The sting of taxation is wastefulness. What high-spirited man
could see without indignation the earnings of his labour yiel&d
ungrudgingly to the public defence become the spoil of parasitcj
and specu!ators ?' (quoted by Congreve).

    1. Rekker in his 2nd edition, following a suggestion of Schneidrr,
      adds sir before Gwptds, but unnecessarily.

    1. The moderation here described in everything but ambition \vnj
      shown by the elder Dionysius as he is pictured by Cornelius Ncpo,
      De Regibus c. 2 : ' Dionysius prior.. et manu fortis et belli peritus
      fuit, et, id quod in tyranno non facile reperitur, minime libidinow,.
      non luxuriosus, non avarus, nullius rei denique cupidus, nisi singu-
      his perpetuique imperii, ob eamque rem crudelis. Nam dum id
      srutluit munire, nullius pepercit vitae, quem ejus iniidiatorem
      The second Dionysius would furnish a tyrant of the oppi:r
      type ($ P:), if we may believe the nriter of the Aristotelian Polity of

ntr;u [~~~~i~~~~ rhU u~~Tfp~~] &s' o"rf i& +;pas dm,iKovra pCebClu~ 61;
wtli ;p$huw7;drcpou ycuiu8ac rls L'+crs. (Arist. Berl. Ed. 1568, b. 19.)

Syracuse, '+nore'hqs 62 iu rj ZU~ILKO&V rrohf:? uuusXLs @qu;v

    1. +a;ufu.Bcu rois CA'XXois fh;Xourur TOGTO iiomihrts.
      Thesc words curiously illustrate the love of ostentation inherrllt
      in the Greek character.

    1. KtITtIUKfUd[flY YAP 6s: Kfl; K0UPE;Y 77). 7TdhlU.
      Like Polycrates at Samos, ' Gelo at Syracuse, Cypselus and
      I'rrinnder at Corinth, Theron at Agrigentum, Peisistratus at
      A thcns.

    1. KOh(;VfWS.
      Bracketed by Rekker in his 2nd edition after Schneider.
      Certainly the word is not appropriate if taken with $ALK[(Iu. but
      &fJpfws may be supplied n ith ris CIS T+J $AlKiaU from the preceding,

    1. %in+9fipnurfs.
      SC. TAU r+auvou.

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