certain periods of the year and ' should remember to support tlirir
station with becoming dignity,' p. 476. cp. Hallam, Mid. Ages i. 66,
' The sting of taxation is wastefulness. What high-spirited man
could see without indignation the earnings of his labour yiel&d
ungrudgingly to the public defence become the spoil of parasitcj
and specu!ators ?' (quoted by Congreve).
- Rekker in his 2nd edition, following a suggestion of Schneidrr,
adds sir before Gwptds, but unnecessarily.
- Rekker in his 2nd edition, following a suggestion of Schneidrr,
- The moderation here described in everything but ambition \vnj
shown by the elder Dionysius as he is pictured by Cornelius Ncpo,
De Regibus c. 2 : ' Dionysius prior.. et manu fortis et belli peritus
fuit, et, id quod in tyranno non facile reperitur, minime libidinow,.
non luxuriosus, non avarus, nullius rei denique cupidus, nisi singu-
his perpetuique imperii, ob eamque rem crudelis. Nam dum id
srutluit munire, nullius pepercit vitae, quem ejus iniidiatorem
The second Dionysius would furnish a tyrant of the oppi:r
type ($ P:), if we may believe the nriter of the Aristotelian Polity of
- The moderation here described in everything but ambition \vnj
ntr;u [~~~~i~~~~ rhU u~~Tfp~~] &s' o"rf i& +;pas dm,iKovra pCebClu~ 61;
wtli ;p$huw7;drcpou ycuiu8ac rls L'+crs. (Arist. Berl. Ed. 1568, b. 19.)
Syracuse, '+nore'hqs 62 iu rj ZU~ILKO&V rrohf:? uuusXLs @qu;v
- +a;ufu.Bcu rois CA'XXois fh;Xourur TOGTO iiomihrts.
Thesc words curiously illustrate the love of ostentation inherrllt
in the Greek character.
- +a;ufu.Bcu rois CA'XXois fh;Xourur TOGTO iiomihrts.
- KtITtIUKfUd[flY YAP 6s: Kfl; K0UPE;Y 77). 7TdhlU.
Like Polycrates at Samos, ' Gelo at Syracuse, Cypselus and
I'rrinnder at Corinth, Theron at Agrigentum, Peisistratus at
A thcns.
- KtITtIUKfUd[flY YAP 6s: Kfl; K0UPE;Y 77). 7TdhlU.
- KOh(;VfWS.
Bracketed by Rekker in his 2nd edition after Schneider.
Certainly the word is not appropriate if taken with $ALK[(Iu. but
&fJpfws may be supplied n ith ris CIS T+J $AlKiaU from the preceding,
- KOh(;VfWS.
- %in+9fipnurfs.
SC. TAU r+auvou.
- %in+9fipnurfs.