(Wang) #1
‘VOTES, BOOK I’l. 3. 3.35
6’ iurh 4. KaXoiicri rwrs tAcyapxiav, 1. 6.
‘ vhich they call oligarchy,’ is perhaps only an example of un-
meaning pleonasm like the expression d ~aXo;p~voF dip, Meteor.
i, 3, 339 b. 3 ; T{Y 703 rahoop6uow yAaKrar $;mu, Pol. i. 8. $ IO.
But it is also possible that Aristotle here uses the term in the wider
Sense in which he has previously spoken of oligarchy and de-
niocracy as the two principal forms of government under which
the rest are included (iv. 3. 5 6). Cp. note on iv. 8. $ I.

15 6’ Znavra raGm. 1. 9.
‘ All the democratic elements of n.hich he has spoken generdly
2nd is going to speak more particularly,’ i. e. election by lot,
elections of all out of all, no property qualification, payment of
the citizens (etc., see infra c. 2. 4 s), ‘may exist in the same

&E t‘u pdvg r,? rrohirsrg rn&g pcrixovras ;XcvBcpiar. 2. I.
pcrixovrav, accusative absolute, or a second accusative after
hiyw riiBauru, the subject and object being nearly the same.

TO;T’ fTVa1 KQi Tfh, Kat Tofir’ fh T?J 8KflLOU. 2. 2.
‘ That is also the end, and that is the just principle.’

fhfp TOG 806hOU &OS 76 b;iV. 2. 3.
The NSS. vary between bovhc6ovros and Go;Xov t.’vros. Supply
Zrrr or some weaker word than Fpyov.

uvpBdXhrrut ra6rg npbr riv iXcv6cpiav r+ Karb r6 Zrou. 2.1.
‘The impatience of control passes into the love of equality;
mankind are unwilling to be ruled and therefore they rule and are
ruled in turn. Thus the two characteristics of freedom meet or

16 Sixd(cru ndnar uai IK acivrou. 2. j.
The old translator takes this as if he read C‘K. But we may
retain mi, regarding ;I nd~~ov as explanatory of the manner in
mhich the whole people exercised their judicial functions by the
election of smaller bodies out of their own number.


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