(Wang) #1

xovs &si 7cuuipwu ~Xoiqof, 8;~a 62 ani +Ohs 6<pOVs Knrivfpr ;p r;,i
Cp. Schomann's Antiquities of Greece, Engl. Transl., p. 336.
The breaking up old divisions in an army and a state is not
a mere change of names, but of traditions, customs! personal re.
lations-to the ancients even of gods. The division of France into
departments, the reorganisation of Italy and Germany, or, to tal;?
a minor instance, the recent redistribution of the English regiments.
are modern examples of the manner in which such changes 3ffVc.t
the habits of men or offend their prejudices.

  1. I. :UT1 6' ;pyOV.. , p/ylUTOV ZPYOV.
    The repetition of +you is awknard; but the general style of t!ie
    Politics is not sufficiently accurate to justify in omitting the nord
    in either place.

    1. 8th &it ncpi &v ra8rdpqTat BP~TEPOV, T~S owqplar ~n'l @opn'l T~V
      nohirciiju, i~ Toirov afp%dal KaraoKwi[fw s$u do$dhcmu.
      hi; bcczuse of the instability of states ; the words mpi tv rfB&
      pqrai vpiscpov are either omitted or altered by those who change the
      order of the books.
      The clause rhs uwsqph is the explanation of vtpi bw, and is
      resumed in i~ soiswu.

    1. Kfl'l f$fpdVrmV XpbS 7; KOlUdU.
      These words are an explanation of riuv K~~LKo<ovw, ' of tho$?
      who are condemned, and so bring money into the public treasury,'
      not voluntarily, but by the penalties which they incur,
      Cp. Cleon in Aristoph. Knights (923) :
      &fIS [poi KllhjU 6iK?U,
      inoipcvos sais ;u$opnis.
      ;y; yhp is sois ?rhovniovs
      ar;r;oo o' rhos hv iyypa$!js.

    1. &i rroiciv dXiyar iKKhqcriar.
      Cp. iv. 14. 4.

  2. S. d8p6a xp$ biavc'pcrv TOTS hdpoig, pdhinra p&! rZ^719 %vasal roooi~ov
    &6po$wv 6uov ds -p$ioi' KT~UIV.

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