(Wang) #1
ivo~c's, BOOK vi, 6. Wj
i@pGa, ' in lump sums,' opposed to the piecemeal method of doling
Out money which he had been describing above.
TlS, indefinite ' if we can only collect.'
&vurai, sc. ddpiodn 8i~vipt~. The RISS. vary between d8p;s;v and
uUv,dpr[w. Bekker's emendation d@po;(rrv is unnecessary.
iv 62 robry. 5. 9.
i In the meantime,' i.e. until the poor have nil recciveti their
share they should be assisted by the rich, who should pay them for
attending the assembly.

i+rrpi'vous rib pmaihv hskroupyiiv. 5. 9.
lhey being excused from thosc services \vhich are USC~CSS.
Cp. v. 8. $ 20.

For Tarentum, see AIuller's Dorians (iii. 9. S; rq), who sug- 5. IO.
gests without any proof that the words KOWQ norohrr rh KT$~UT<Z
refer only to the ager pu61'2'rus. Compare ii. 5. S; 8, where
Aristotle describes the Lacedaemonians as using one another's
horses and dogs in common.

;UT& 6i TOGTO nor<oaL KU~ i+js ai+ dpxijs prpi[ovras, TO~S p2v KX~PW- 5. I I.
TO~S TO~S 6' aipsrubs.
See note on text.
ipxis is a genitive of respect, assisted by ptpt'[rru. ' Either there
may be two sets of ofices, filled up the one by lot and the other
by vote, or the same office may be filled up sometimes by lot and
sometimes by vote.'
Either the accusative imme-
diately follows noiiuai, or is in apposition with TOGTO; or some word
like KU@lUTo'VTap is to be supplied from pcpi[ovras.
The people of Tarentum elected to some of their offices by vote
and to some by lot; the same result might have been attained if they
had divided each office, and filled up the vacancies alternately by
vote and by lot.

robs p;v KhvpOTOb', sc. Gpxovras.

76 SEi $avrpbv ;K r0;rov.
With 6ci, KaTRCrKfUo'[fkV from the previous sentence, or some similar

  1. I.

\vord suitable to the construction, has to be supplied.

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