(Wang) #1
iVOTES, BOilh- 1% 8. "4;
The oligarchy find themselves outnumbered and overmatched 7. 2, 3.
the light-armed troops. The remedy for this evil is to combine
a light-armed force of their own with their cavaky and heavy-
&V piv ou'v o"nou TOLO~JTOY 7ioXi nXf& iurru, o"rav &aoz;ui, TOAXI~KLS 7. 2.

The change in the nominatives is observable, ' When the two
parties (rrXiBos Kai dhropoi) fall out, the rich (cCno,m) are often
Jtorsted in the struggle.'

&ywv[~ovrar xdpo.

(tdppUKOU. ,. UTpflrly;V.
' A remedy such as military commanders employ.'

Tau'T?J 6' fhKpflTO~lTlV. 7. 3.
The antecedent of rathg, in this my,' is not clear. It appears
to mean (as we gather from the context) 'by their superior
flexibility'-sc. 8th ri, +A+ T$W 66vnpiv abai.

ixrmprpivovs 62 c'~ nai6ov d8Xrlrhr rbai a6rois riw Zpyov. 7. 3.
Lit. and that persons selected out of boys [thus trained] should
themselves become actual light-armed warriors.' The opposition
of ;wwp&ovE 6; to hi ,&v 8vms viouo implies that the persons
selected had passed the stage of youth. For dsXqrhs rGw Zpyov
cp. Plat. Rep. viii. 543 B, d8h+ soh&ou.

iu MnuuaXI?.
See note on v. 6. $ 2

KnTflUKfU&[€iv Ti S;V KOtV&V
should be taken generally of some permanent work, to erect

Some public building or monument.

ni Xipparcr yip (~ro&nw OGX @row rj r+ rtp+. 7. 7.
cp. Eth. viii. 16. J 3, 06 yhp ZUILV dpa XpTpari[cuBal C'K r&v Ko1v;v
mi rfp~uofll,

The plan of this book, which is for the most part a repetition 8.
Of Book iv., here abruptly breaks down. For though democracy

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