(Wang) #1

246 ,1 IZls'TozZE's' PCiLZ7'lC'S.

  1. I. riv piu cikpnrou pbhiora riv dXiynpXiiv La; HP~TV.
    \f'ith these words have to be supplied, though not therefore tn
    be inserted in the text (Lambinus), ~pk riu /3chriurqv Gqpn~pam,u x(I,
    H~LJT~U from the beginning of chap. 4.

    1. pcrixciv i&iuai,
      SC. 6ci.

    1. TOUO~TOV r~uayopiuou roc Gjpv nXfiOos,
      ' The people being introduced in such numbers.' An accus3t.ivc
      of measure. (RIatth. G. G. 421. $ 5.)

    1. Gump y&p r;l p;v uwpara €3 Ginrcipcva rrphs &y;ciau Ka'r Thin sa ai&
      vavriXiau KaX& SXovTa TO~S TXWT?~LV Lnr8iXcTar aXcinvs ripaprins.
      K~GS FXnvTn is taken in a double construction with r& T~JS iwi-
      dinv and with xXwr<pui. Either (I)* 'well furnished with sailor;
      for navigation,' or (2) me11 furnished in respect of nnval equip-
      ments for their sailors.' rnis dwripuiv may also be construed ijith
      &r&xemi, 'allow of more errors in their sailors.' (I) is confirnd
      bp the words which follow lih~~<pwv rrTuXqr6ra +aiXov.

  2. I. he; 6; rirrnpa p;u bri K.T.X.
    Interpreters correctly remark that the four kinds of militar!'
    force have no connesion ~vith the four classes of the people.

  3. I. iUrfl;ea piv cii+wiv FXci K.~.x.
    ' There nature favours the establishment of an oligarchy which u4l
    be strong,' or ne may naturally expect to establish an oligarch!'

  4. I. iimu 6' ~A~TTV.
    sc. chi UUp,%$~Kf understood from the previous words thou$
    with a slight change of meaning in the word ch. It is ]loi
    necessaiy to read I) 6nX;~iv with Bekker (in his second edition),
    or 2) ~YTX~T~K~U with Susemihl (on the authority of one RIS. ahd1
    reads d.TXiriK&U arid the old translator who gives ' armativam ').

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