(Wang) #1
life who have the best form of‘ government possible under
conditions of life.’
The qualification i~ riv bnapxydurw, though not mentioned in
the first sentence, naturally occurs to the mind of Aristorle, Jrho
thinks of life under the conditions of life. cp. infra 5 13, Viu 8%
CorciuBo roooirou, o“rr $os pip ~~LUTOS, rtai XO~~S ~KC~UT~ ai KO!~:^/
adXfUlv, d pfr’ 6pfTjS KfXOp?)Y?p;U7E (Ti r0UO;rOU dUTf pfT;XflU T6U xn~’
c;pcr+J spli[sou.
Aristotle adds a further qualification 2Av pi ri yiyvqrar rr~pdoy,,~:
as we might say without much meaning and almost as afupn
de parley, under ordinary circumstances.’

  1. 2, 3. uopioavras oCv IKauLs xoXXh XCyfuear Kai TGV iu 70;s igwicprnois
    Xdyois mpi ris dpiarqs [a+, Kal viv xprluriou a6roL. &E dXq&s yip
    np& yc piau 6raipruru oisris dp+ru&r<urw bu &E 06 rptL oduSv PEP;-
    8wv, r6u TE C~S ~a’l ri)u iu r+ u&purr Kai riu iu rj +IJX~, dura ruvra
    imipxfrv TOTS paKaploors 6ci.
    ai riv is partitive, ‘enough has been said among, or in, the
    things which have been said.’
    iu rois i[wrcprKois Xdyors. ‘ Popular writings in general,’ whether
    those of Aristotle or of others, containing opinions or distinctions
    which were generally accepted. The threefold division of goods,
    into goods of the body, goods of the soul, and external goods,
    here said to be found in the ~‘[WTF~LKO’~ hdyor, is again mentioned in
    Rhet. i. 5. 5 4, 1360a. zj, and would seem to have been a received
    notion not peculiar to Aristotle. 2, ucurpv
    pivou 8; riu dya8Lu rprX!j, KU~ ri)~ p2u /KT& hcyopivov, ri)~ 6i sqii
    +I,& ai &pa, rb mp‘r +ux+ KvprArara XCyopcu pdX1u.m riya6d‘ rir
    82 spd&cs ai rhr ;urpydar T~E $UXLK~S mpi $ux+ rib’epcv. 6urc KahLr
    bu XLyorro ~ard ye rahqu r$v Gd[au naXaihw duau Ka‘r dpohoyoup;v7~ AT;
    TOY (PLXOUO+O~MOY. The Xlyor ~[OTFPLKO; are alluded to in the same
    manner and nearly in the same words by Aristotle, Kit. Eth. i, 13.
    $ 9. They are opposed to Xdyor Karb +rXooo+lav Eud. Eth. 12x7
    b. 22.
    rp&v 06uiw pcpiSov, sc. riv dyuB&, vhich is somewhat strangel!’
    omitted. The clause which follows TSV +e c‘rrbs K.T.x., is either
    dependent on these words, or in apposition with them.

Cp. h’ic. Eth. i. 8.
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