(Wang) #1
NOTES, BOOK i-rr, I. 2.53
ddpiar K.T.X. 1. 4.
The virtues here mentioned are the four cardinal virtues of
Plat0 (Rep. iv. 428), who calls q5pdyuis by the term uo+'n, making
no such distinction between uo+h and +~LVPULE as Aristotle after-
\yards introduced (Kic. Eth. vi.).

rU;s +LXT~TOUS +iXous. 1. 4.
+~OUS is bracketed by Bekker in his second edition. But why
object to the pleonasm in a rhetorical passage?

dk~h Taka p2u Xcy6pcun GUHE~ rra'vrrs Cv uuyxoprjminu, 8Ln+'poy7ni 6' 1. 5.
iv 74 TOU! Kd Tfl% 6TfpOXrlk.
&mcp is bracketed* by Bekker in his second edition, but without
reason. If retained it may either be construed with BU uuy,yopiufLaw,
'as all would agree in these things the moment they are uttered,
so on the other hand they differ' etc. ; or Gurtcp may be a quali-
fication of &ms, in a manner every one' (Schlosser, Ronitz s.v.).

~lrl$l~pOUTflt 6' C'V T$ SOU9 Kfl; Tflk 65TfpOXil~S. 1. I,.
cp. infra $ 8, Karh T$U ;ncpox$u qmcp r?Aq$c Giduraoru.

LVirtue can never be in excess, and he who has the most virtue 1. 5-13.
is the best of men and the happiest; for happiness consists in
virtue provided with sufficient means or instruments of good action ;
and this principle applies equally to individuals and to states, and
is the foundation both of ethics and of politics.'

The proof that external goods are inferior to the goods of the 1.6,7.
soul is twofold :
I) 8th T~U Z~YOU, from the fact that the former are acquired by
the latter and not vice zlersd:
2) Karh TAU X+OW UKolrOUp&OlS, from reason, i. e. the nature Of
things, because external goods, being an instrument, have a limit ;
of the goods of the soul there is no limit.
On the antithesis of facts and reason and the connexion between
them in Aristotle, cp. note on i. 5. 4 I.

riv 8) ncp; $tux+ ?KaUrOW GyaOtv, o"uyncp hw bHfpSd&l, TOUO;~~ 1. 7.
PiXXOV ,yprju1p'Ou fflll.

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