(Wang) #1
;\‘OTES, BOOK VIl. 2. 255
The words’ xpdrrouuuv waXfs may be taken either with cCSulpovu
or with nju dpimqv. Either I)* ‘the happy state is that which is
(morally) best, and which does rightly’: or 2) the happy state and
[hat which does rightly is the best ’: or 3) (and this though not the
only allo~vable rendering of the passage probably has the most
point) ‘the best state and that which acts rightly is happy,’ as
God has been said to be happy in the previous sentence. The
last words Irpdrrouuau KaXSs are ambiguous, including both our own
&doing well,’ and faring well.’ The argument is that as God is
happy in his own nature so the state can be happy only so far
as it partakes of virtue or wisdom.

dv6pia 61 ndXcos Kai SLKCILOU~U~ ~a‘l $pduipis .;1v ah+v +r 66uapru ai 1. I 2.
pOpI$$U, &U tlfTflUX&V ZKlIUTrOS T&U dU6phZWU hiyETfl1 %iKflLO,S Kfli $JpdULpOS
I;Ri ObI$pOV.
T+ ai+ S;uopw, sc. ;K~VOLS, to be supplied before tu pcmuxLv,
‘with that power or force which each man partakes of when he is
called just and temperate and wise.’ Cp. for construction supra 8.
&vq after $J~~v~uLs, and ddpcior Kd before GiKaros to make the
passage symmetrical; but there is no reason to expect this esact

Bekker, in his second edition (after Coraes), inserts

iripas yip iuriv +you uxohjs rah
Lit. ‘ For this is the business of another time of leisure,’ or ‘of
another time when we shall be at leisure,’ or*, ‘of another dis-
cussion.’ Yet he returns to the subject at the beginning of the
next chapter. The urord UXOX; is translated ‘discussion’ in this
passage by Stahr, and so explained in Liddell and Scott’s Lexicon.
It is found in this Sense in the Laws of Plato, 820 C, and perhaps
in Arist. polit. v. 11. 8 5,

&d res pte&800. 1. 14.
‘ Enquiry,’ rather than treatise.’
Politics to the whole work as a book.

No reference is made in the

It has been already said, c. I. 8 I I, not exactly that the happiness 2. I.
Of the state is the same as that of the individualj but that they can

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