(Wang) #1

be shown to be the same by the same kind of arguments; and
again, $ 13, the best life for both is declared to be the life of
virtue, furnished sufficiently nith the means of performing virtuous
actions; and in $ 14 he proposes to defer matters of controversy
for the present. But at the beginning of the second chapter, as if
he were dissatisfied with his conclusion, he resumes the question,
which has been already in a manner briefly determined, and as if
he had forgotten the intention to defer it. There appears to be a
latent incongruity even in this rhetorical passage.
It has been thought by Susemihl that c. 1.9 I I, i~dprvov 6' c'& xa;
~iv air& Xbyov Gfdprvov K.T.X. is another form of what follows, and
that if c. I. $5 11, 12 be omitted the connexion of c. I and c. 2
vould be restored. But the similarity of $1 11, 12 in c. I n.ith i. 2
is not very close j and the difference of style in the two chapters
remains as striking as ever.
The analogy of the individual and the state is drawn out at
length in the Republic of Plato, k. 435 ff.

    1. rkc IrGuru dui-os aiprroc Koivuvf;v ~XEOP r&rs Kai ~rui piu p+ rnio 8;
      'Whether it be a democracy or a timocracy.' The remark is
      parenthetical, and is not further expanded.

  1. 4, inri 6; ~tjs TOXLTLK~S Gmuoiao Kai Bfopias TO+' imiu +pv, &A' ot^16
    7TEP~ FKnUTOU ClipfTdV, GpfiS 62 Ta6TqV %pO~p<pfBLl UGU T$V UKi$LU, ZKfiVO
    pi^ ~rlp~pyo~ hv ~71 roCro 6' +U T~S pcBiSov sa;r?s.
    ravr$v, sc. ux+v TO~LTLKI~Y supplied from nohrrwfs.
    iKciuu, sc. the question, ' which is the more eligible life ?'
    TO^, sc. the question, which is the best state?' Cp. Nic~ Eth.
    i. 2. $ 8.

    1. dp$Lu@lrfhu. , , rdrcpov^6 nohirids mi rpaKTiKi)s pi00 aiprrbr^4 pa-
      hov d T~VWV ri~ C'KT~E drohcXvpivos, O~V Brop~r~Kds TLE.

life is fully discussed.

Cp. Nic. Eth. x. 7, where the relative value of the two kinds of

    1. dvdyKI yJp TO'V Tf €6 r#pVo;YTa Tppbs rdu pchTh UKOTbU UVVrdrSfuSuL
      mi r&u aiv6phov &aurnv ~al KOLU~ r$v nohirclav.
      Yet Aristotle does not show hon the two lives of action and

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