(Wang) #1
cerning the state.
best kind of action?-May not the state, though isolated and self-
centred, lead a true political life? These two questions to us
appear distinct ; but they are very closely connected in the mind
of Aristotle, to whom the individual is the image of the state.
The isolated life of the state is suggested as a possibility by
Aristotle. But he is quite aware that all states have relationa to
their neighbours which they cannot afford to neglect. Cp. ii. 6.


May not an individual find within himself

9 7; c. 7. 9 14.

a. 15. dhhd 7; nph ro+o eqpfvrdv.
Cp. in i. 7. 9 5, o:ov 6 Bdu, and infra c. I 4. § 21.

  1. 3,4. K&OL T~X' &v Cnohripoi ris roirov oi;ro Giopiupivov GTL rA aBpiov clvar
    TLiYTOU :iplUTOU' OGTW ybp 6V 'HhfiUrUV K@'r Kahh;UTWV K6PLOS frl 77/lb&w2,
    &rc 06 Sc; T~J Guvdpvov 2pxw napriuar T+ nhquiov, dhhh pihhou ;$iw
    piueat, ~al pirr mr+a aaiSwv p<rc nai6as carpis pj8 OOXOE $hov +&or.
    p@va Cnohoyriu p$i ~pbs TOGTO $povrL[fiv' ri, yirp 2prurw aipfrdrrarov.
    ' It is argued by some that poJyer gives the opportunity for virtue,
    and if so, the attainment of power will be the attainment of virtue.
    But power in the higher sense implies the qualities which enable a
    man to make the true use of it, and these he will not gain but
    lose by violating the equality which nature prescribes.' Compare
    the notion of Thrasymachus (Plat. Rep. i.) that justice is the interest
    of the superior and supra, note on i. 6. 4 3; also the thesis main-
    tained by Callicles (Gorgias 484 ff.) that the tyrant is wisest and
    best and the refutation of this notion, by Socrates.
    rpAs roho, SC. rpAs rA 6sohoyriu aaL6ou, K.T.X.

    1. pi Sra+'pomi rouoGrov Zuov d4p yvuarrtds 4 narip TCKUUV 4 Bcmhf
      These family relations are chosen as types of government an-
      swering to various kinds of rule, aristocratical, royal, tyrannical
      (cp. Nic. Eth. viii. IO).
      Aristotle means to say that a man is harmed by ruling over
      others unless he have a right to rule ; but this right can be $en
      only by a natural superiority.

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