(Wang) #1
AI‘OTES, BOOh’ L.11, 4. 259
Tois yirp dpoiols rb xaX&8 Kal rb 6ixatov tv rG pipa. 3. 5.
Either I) ‘For equals to share in the honourable is just,’ or 2)*
1 For to equals the honourable and the just consists in all having a
;&‘Xcrai yhp Karh pip7 Kai roiiro uuppaivciu. 3. 9.
Ko‘r ~oih=oir~ civpaKrciv; or rather some positive idea which is to
be elicited from these words. There may be in a state internal
3s well as external activity.’
6poioo 61 roiro hdpxci Kal KaB’ && drouolv T&V dvdpLaov.
‘Like the state the individual map be isolated, yet he may have

  1. IO.

many thoughts and powers energizing within him.’
uxoA,j yhp i;v 6 &bo +pi ra%o ral mis 6 K~U~OS ok oir cbiv i(orcpinal3. IO.
lipdEcio rraph rho okciao rho airirv.
i.e. ‘ were happiness not possible in isolation.’ Cp. Nic. Eth. ix.

  1. 4, ?xci yhp Kai ujv 6 B~bo riyaebu 6XX’ &u o*r~ xm’ C.vriv; ib. x. 8.
    $ 7, quoted supra, c. 1. $ IO.
    ral TO;S dv6pbnoir. 3. IO.
    There is no reason for bracketing these words as Bekker has
    done in his second edition ; =‘ mankind generally.’ Cp. supra
    C. 2. 17, where xdXcco are joined with yiuos dv8p6rrou.
    mpll airr9v.
    ‘About these general questions.’
    4. I.

xcpi rho GXXas rroXirdao K.T.~.
‘Other than the best.’

    1. These words seem most naturally to
      refer to Books iv, v, and vi, and are therefore inconsistent with
      the altered order of the books. It is impossible to believe with
      Hildenbrand and Teichmiiller that Book ii., in which Aristotle
      treats not of different forms of government, but of certain theoretical
      Or historical constitutions, furnishes a sufficient antecedent for these
      wrds. (See Susemihl’s note, 749, vol. ii. p. 180.)

scpi njo pcXXoLmp Kar’ cdx+ uvuemdvai xdhcoo.
Compare iv. I. § 3, s~T~ s~xOY o*ri KO; xoXlrcLav Tis airrijs ~miv kiur<pqo

  1. I.

  • +imp 6fopijuai ris juri, Kal vola 74s hv obua pci~i~r’ 677

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