(Wang) #1
NOTES, BOOK vrr. 4. 261
rprjqv piv ctvar sdk~v dVCtyKa;OV T$V <K IOUO~OU x)r,jeous 6 T~;TOV 4. I I.
,,)rjeos aikpKfS lrpbr rb c: [ijv Zur1 rat& i4jv sohirrrijv roivodav.
all; refers not to the clause immediately preceding but to the
principal idea of the sentence, contained in the words 6poio~ 62 Kai
no*Acs, 4 plv $4 dhiyov Xlav OCK a6rdpKqr K.T.X. Cp. Nic. Eth. ix. 10.
g 3, 05rf y+ c'K 8iKa dvepc;?rov yivoLi fiv a;~ts, "fir1 <K 6;Ka pupLdswv ;rr
ndhrs icrriv.
' We then first have a state when we first
have a sufficient number.' lrpirov may be either adjective or
K~T& r+ ?TOXLTLK+ KOLVOV~~V. ' .4 good life according to the require-
ments of the political community,' Le. the life of a freeman and

Vphqv and ~rpirov.

cLoi peigw n&v. 4.12.
pd[w is unnecessarily bracketed by Beltker in his 2nd edition.
The point is as follows : ' There may be also a greater city than
is required by the limit of self sufficiency, but this increase is not
unlimited.' He has said above (5 4) 'that the more numerous
city is not necessarily the greater,' but in this case it is or may be.

rid yhp ai ?rpd(ccs rjs ntiXtos TGV p2v cip,ydvrov, rGv s' dp,yopL;vov. 4. I 2.
The npd&s, or actions of a state, are the actions of two classes
nhich act upon each other, the governors and the governed. Cp.
i. 5, § 3, o*xou 62 rb p& i?p,ytL rb 6' i?p,yfrar <UT[ TL ro;7ov ?pyov.

dvayKaiov yvopi[ctv dXX{Xous. 4. 13.
Cp. Plat. Laws v. 738 D, E, ot pcilov oL8iv ao%cL &p%v 4 yvopipous
air& (SC. roh noXiros) ahis tlval. '~lrou yhp pij +&,E dXXjhors &rrb
ihh(Xov C'v rois rp6?rois cihhir UKdros, oar' fir rrpjs 73s d&as O~T' cip~irv
oirc aiuqs sori TLE AV rijc ?rpouvKo;uqs +a;, ~Uyx~VoL.
sixov roimv O~r6s zuTL ndhtos tpos i?pp(uTos, 4 pfyiurq xxjeoup 4.14.
CCpBOb) RpbS a6TdpKfLaV [UjS Z6U6VMTTOS.
This is a condensed sentence, meaning 'the largest number
which can be seen at once, and at the same time suffices for the
Purposes of life.' Aristotle wishes to combine plyc6'ds TL with
Ctmpia. aci Kaf?d?rfp 8'1 r~v uopdrwv
mi ;id TGV c+v ZXfLv piv piY&s, ro~ro 6; chhnrrov clvac.

Cp. Poet. 7, 1451 a. 3,
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