(Wang) #1
iVOTE.7, BOOK VZL 11. 273
urliuiv 86 &mn9ai), and as Aristophanes in his ' Acharnians' seems
to imply, were wanting to make peace.

For reference to Plato and criticism on him see note on text. 10. I I.

8circpov 66 Bapt3dpous ncpioirtous.
Compare above c. 9. 8 8, dvayrtaiov &ai TOAS yropyois BoCXour ;I
papfdpous 4 rspioirous, a comparison which has led to the insertion
of fi before VfpiOkOUS in this passage, or to the omission of it in
c. 9. The text of the RISS. is probably right in both passages.
' If we could have the very best thing, the husbandmen should be
slaves; or if slaves cannot be had, then perioeci of alien stock.'

  1. 13,

ahijs 63 rpbs nirjv &ai r+ Biuiu cu"xeudni 861 Kararuyxhvtrv npho 11. I.

The order of the words is as follows-6ci r5XfuBm KaTUTUyX;VfiV

The four points to be attended to appear to be as follows:
I) healthy and airy situation, open to the winds (cp. S 4, infra):
2) good water : 3) convenience for administration (npbs nohiriKhs
npdtcis) : 4) adaptation to military requirements (rp'pds TOXE~CK~S

drrapa PXirovras.

[TOG] riv d&v alvai.

Cp. Xen. Oecon. 9. 4, Ka'l uiprauav 86 r;v or'wiuv i7r;Scita ah?, kr
np& pcuqpPpiuv duan&rarai, Gurc cu"6qXov rluai, o*ri xc1p;vos p6v tijXils
&Ti, 70; 66 &POUS EfiUKlOS.
Vitruvius i. 6 tells us how the inhabitants of Rlitylene suffered
from the situation of their town: 'Oppidum magnificenter est
aedificatum et eleganter; sed positum non prudenter. In qub
civitate auster cum flat homines aegrotant, cum eurus, tussiunt,
cum septentrio, restituuntur in sanitatem, sed in angiportis et
plateis non possunt consistere propter vehementiam frigoris.'
(Quoted by Eaton.)

8€Lh€pOV 63 Kad pOpdaV. 11. 2.
xarh @opiav=' facing the same way that the North wind does,'
(cp. ward Iidov) i. e. sheltered from the North wind. Cp. Plat. Crit.
1x8 A, B, 6 82 rdros o4roc o"Xqs rijs v~uou npAs udrov irirparno, chi)
rirv appaov Kardpo;tior.
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