Gchpov may either be taken as *an alternative, or as introducing
a second condition of healthfulness, SO that a South Eastern aspect
is what is recommended; i. e. a situation which is open to the
healthy East winds and affords shelter from the North wind.
- TO;& y' Gpvrar
is the reading of all the hlSS.
t;p+dnl, adopted by Bekker in his second edition, is unnecessary.
&r01 7' rGpqrai='a remedy has been found for this,' i. e.
rcmedy may be found.'
but this is no reason for altering it.
- TO;& y' Gpvrar
The conjecture of Lambinus,
The language is not quite symmetrical,
- iJno8oxhs +Lppiors u"bau1v.
Five XSS. read ;pflphvs, a possible reading, 'rain cisterns for
water ' instead of ' cisterns for rain water.'
- iJno8oxhs +Lppiors u"bau1v.
11.4. b rc roioLry xai npbs rorohov.
'In the situation described, and looking to the quarter de-
11.5, soiou'rwv vap6rov.
The reading of the best RISS. and the old translator, 'such
streams as I have spoken of above,' that is to say, ' good streams '
(;ytfrvSv $ 4).
- dKp6lrOhlS 6hlyapXcKbv Ka'l povapXiKdv, dpruroKpariK&J.. , iuxupoi TdHOl
Why should a single fortress be adapted to
a monarchy, or oligarchy, several strongholds to an aristocracy ?'
Probably because in the former case the government is more
concentrated. A small governing class, if they are to maintain
their power against the people, must draw together. An aristo-
cracy has only to defend itself against foreign enemies, and is
therefore better dispersed.
- dKp6lrOhlS 6hlyapXcKbv Ka'l povapXiKdv, dpruroKpariK&J.. , iuxupoi TdHOl
It may be asked :
- j. riv ZLE oho KarauKtvJ[g, rta6cirsp c'v 70;s yropyois Bs KaXoSui rivfs 7&
dp&I'Xov Cruo-rdSas.
ai ?;uKv~~ Zpm~oi, ;;IIcivov 6; rirs tkij Kai pi Kad crsoixov s+rtvp'var
The last word is explained by Hesychius (under [vmciGrs) as