(Wang) #1
Gchpov may either be taken as *an alternative, or as introducing
a second condition of healthfulness, SO that a South Eastern aspect
is what is recommended; i. e. a situation which is open to the
healthy East winds and affords shelter from the North wind.

    1. TO;& y' Gpvrar
      is the reading of all the hlSS.
      t;p+dnl, adopted by Bekker in his second edition, is unnecessary.
      &r01 7' rGpqrai='a remedy has been found for this,' i. e.
      rcmedy may be found.'
      but this is no reason for altering it.

The conjecture of Lambinus,

The language is not quite symmetrical,

    1. iJno8oxhs +Lppiors u"bau1v.
      Five XSS. read ;pflphvs, a possible reading, 'rain cisterns for
      water ' instead of ' cisterns for rain water.'

11.4. b rc roioLry xai npbs rorohov.
'In the situation described, and looking to the quarter de-

11.5, soiou'rwv vap6rov.
The reading of the best RISS. and the old translator, 'such
streams as I have spoken of above,' that is to say, ' good streams '
(;ytfrvSv $ 4).

    1. dKp6lrOhlS 6hlyapXcKbv Ka'l povapXiKdv, dpruroKpariK&J.. , iuxupoi TdHOl
      Why should a single fortress be adapted to
      a monarchy, or oligarchy, several strongholds to an aristocracy ?'
      Probably because in the former case the government is more
      concentrated. A small governing class, if they are to maintain
      their power against the people, must draw together. An aristo-
      cracy has only to defend itself against foreign enemies, and is
      therefore better dispersed.

It may be asked :

  1. j. riv ZLE oho KarauKtvJ[g, rta6cirsp c'v 70;s yropyois Bs KaXoSui rivfs 7&
    dp&I'Xov Cruo-rdSas.

ai ?;uKv~~ Zpm~oi, ;;IIcivov 6; rirs tkij Kai pi Kad crsoixov s+rtvp'var

The last word is explained by Hesychius (under [vmciGrs) as
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