(Wang) #1
KOTES, l?OOh' 1.fZ. 14. 28.3
,j nautu roiu Gvoiu, sc. rtu npd&ou. I The simple action, of the
highest principle is better than the mixed action of all or of two,
that is the union of the higher with the loner, or the practical
and speculative reason combined (miu Buoiv).' Aristotle is here
speaking of that life of mind Trhich in the Ethics he conceires io
have a separate existence (4 6i TO; YO; [sc. ct~Yaipou;a] KfX0piUp"iv~
xic, Eth. x. 8. $ 3). But we are unable to understand how this
pure mind condescends to take a part in human things-the
analogous difficulty in Aristotle to the relation of rh uooipwa and
rh +oiv6pwa in Plato. We know that within the sphere of practice
thought and reflection must always be reappearing if the legislator
is endon.ed with them. But Aristotle nowhere explains how the
speculative, either in private or public life, is related to the practical,
or what is the higher training which fits the citizen for either.

C)TaivoL^urfs yhp rr)u Audaipodou aoXrrchu zyuvrai roc uopn8E'rou rbu 14. 16.
UKO~~~V, $71 miwa apd~ rb Kpareiv Kai npis rdXrpou ivopodir?utu. d Kai
rad rbu kdyou iurb FtE'XfyKra Kai rois ;pyois ;&k;XfyKmr uiu.
cp. Thuc. ii. 39, KU~ c'u rais naddars ol piv c'aiadvy duK& (JC. oi
.faKdaipduior) ci8h Viok hs rb civ6pciou pcripxovrai, rjpck 62 dufipivms
GrairLpwor oi6iu ?juuov ilri rois iuoaahcir KiuB;uous ppo;pev.
mi ~ois ?pyOiE i&k$I€yKTak VGU. Alluding to Leuctra and hhntincu.
Cp. c. 11. 8 8, about walls, and ii. 9. $ IO, about the women.
oh uai elppov. 14. 17.
Who Thibron was is unknown. But me have an example of
a treatise such as he might have written in the 'de Republica
Lacedemoniorum,' attributed to Xenophon. Was he more likely
to have been a Spartan, or only an admirer of Sparta, like the
Philolacon in other states of Hellas? The name is Lacedaemonian.
The words rtv a"Xhou iKauros rtv ypa$dvrou ncpi nohircias atrCu
remind us how large a literature of political philosophy must have
existed in the time of Aristotle, although we are apt to imagine
him the first writer on such subjects. Cp. ii. 1. $ I ; C. 7. $ 1;
c. 12. 3 I.

&i 62 TOGTO ycXoiou, fi pluourcs iu rois ubpors atroc, *ai p$fh ipa08i- 14. I 8.
tVrOS rrpbs rb XprjdaL rois udpors, drro,!3fljX+XlUl rb &' Ka)l&.

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