(Wang) #1

writings passing under his name with which Aristotle \vas ac.
quainted mere genuine or not ne cannot say. The short summaiy
of the geography of the habitable world which has come d0ir.n to
us under the name of Scylax contains allusions to events later than
the time of Herodotus, and is therefore certainly either spurious or

    1. ravrcs oi KUTA rrjv xbpav.
      Not country as opposed to town--'the country people combine
      with the malcontents of the town ;' but, ' all the inhabitants nzi~~~ts
      the rulers,' i.e. the perioeci, metics, or any others, who, though per-
      sonally free, had no political rights, make common cause with tile
      subject classes and desire revolution.

    1. $ yip r#&s 8i8uc rjv alptow, 7ro~<uaou ad,$ r$ yCver rahbv rb piu
      v&fpov 7; 62 aptu/%rcpou, 5~ TOTS p& 2pxcuBuL npicr, rois 6' 2p:px~~~.
      Lit. ' For nature herself has given the principle of choice when
      she created in the very race the same element, Le. the same human
      beings, partly young and partly old, of whom the one are fitted to
      obey, the others to command.'
      The word air+ has less RIS. authority than
      a%, and is omitted altogether in one MS. and in Aretino's trans-
      lation. ~hl, may be translated : ' In the human race nature hs
      created the very same thing, making a distinction of old and
      young, corresponding to that of rulers and subjects.' The cor-
      rection riv ah& for ubr$ is unnecessary.

T+ y&r TU;&.

    1. lrsi 82 TOX~OU KCI~ Bpxonos rtjv ah'p dptnjv ryua; Cpupcv KU~ TO;,
      dpimou civGp6s.
      i. e. in the best state which he is here discussing.

  1. IT. Csuau'rws oiv dvt;y~~ 817~pijnb'u~ xai rulro 7;) pipes Gjhov &r, KU~ r;1s
    rpt;&is 6' dva;\oyov ipoipfv +v, KU~ Gt; TAE roc +hi prXriovos UipfTW

' And as there must be a division of the sod,
in like manner there must be a division of the actions of the soul ;'
&~a&ros answers to dvdXoyov Zpv, and is to be taken closely with
rai rhs wpd&w.

f:var TO;s G~~~~;~~~~ rvyXt;vfrv 9 Tauirv 4 auoiv.
Buahos.. ~Xw.

rolro rl, /.l+OE, sc. rb h6yov TXOY.
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