(Wang) #1
A70TES, BOOK Vir, 17. 2x9

Kfli fll?lTO&s 776?l. 18. 11.
i.e. 'themselves when they come to be parents as well as the
writers on these subjects.'

Like Plato, Aristotle prescribes gymnastics for women as well as 18, I 3.
men. cp. Plat. Laws vii. 78Y; Rep. v. 467.
Std. 82 nX?@os TEKVWV, ihv 4 T$kS riru &%P KuX;~, p76;~ &nori8CoflrrL 16. 15.
rGV YLYUOpiVOV' SpLUTflk yhp 8; TiE TCKV01101[(11. Ti dljdoe. :;LV 6; TLUL
y;yv7pn aaph roka uvv6vnu8ivvrov, apiv uiu8qvcu +,cviUBac rai (w,jv,
;prrotfiuBak 6ri rtju [email protected].
'But when there are too many children (for we have settled thnt
there is to he a limit of population), they must not be eiposctl
merely for this reason. If, however, it should happen that a
couple exceed the number allowed by law, then abortion must be
practised before sense and life have begun.'
w"prurat yhp 8;.... TA nXj8or gives the reason for introducing
the previous remark. 'I speak of this because population has
been limited.' Cp. ii. 7. $ 5, where Aristotle says that the legis-
lator who fixes the amount of property should also fix the limit
of population; and ii. 6. $ IO, where he censures Plato for sup-
posing that population sill be kept down even if nothing is
done to secure this object : and Rep. v. 461, where abortion and
exposure are allowed, or in certain cases enforced ; also a curious
and interesting passage quoted from Musonius a Stoic philosopher
(about 60 A.D.), by Stobaeus Q 15. p. 450, in nhich he denounces
abortion and similar practices as offences against Zeus the god of

Respecting the seven ages, see infra, note on e. 17. Q 15 ; and 16. I 7.
for the regulations of Aristotle respecting marriage, the time after
marriage, procreation and nursing of children and their early
education, cp. Laws vii. 788-794.
oLu8ac. 17. I.
SC. BF;.

r;lr 8; &a&rrp r& na[&v wai K;\avOpo&r O&K ip8Ss drayopE;ovflLv Of 17. 6.

To be gathered from the previous paragraph.

~~GOUTEP iv rois v+oLp* ov&ipovor yhp rpbs ai;&pv.
VOL. 11. zi

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