(Wang) #1
This is another misrepresentation of Plato, nho only says that
when children are silent they are pleased, and that they ought to
have as little pain as possible in early childhood lest they grow up
morose in character. (I When anything is brought to the infLnt
and he is silent, then he is supposed to be pleased, but Rhen he
veeps and cries out, then he is not pleased. For tears and cric.;
are the inauspicious signs by which children show nhat they iovi.
and hate.' Lam vii. 792 A). Yet the words ;u rois YiptE
sufficiently show that Piato is the ivriter to vhom Aristotle i,
rh 3rarduris, ' the passions or struggles,' a neutral word to bc
interpreted hy KX~UB~O~ which follow.

    1. d"hoyov 06v &n.lrcXau'v.lrcrv dxi, r&v ci~o~rpdr~ Kni T&Y dpupdrwu dvtXtu-

A thought enlarged upon by Plato Rep. ii. 377 ff.
Uekker in his 1st edition has unnecessarily altered dvdrvBcp;av,
the reading of the majority of the MSS., into ducXrvBrppias. In his
2nil edition he 'has substituted dvrXdipou, which has some MS.
authority. Nfither alteration is necessary ; 77hlKO6rOUS &as niay
be taken as an accusative of the remoter object. QacXn6uw hn.;
been altered by Susemihl into dnoXaBriu, a change which is partly
grounded on a various rending ciT;oXaCw, and partly on tht
' absumcre ' of the old translator.
I)* 'Even when they are at this early
age,' i.e. although they are so young, care must be taken about
nhat they see and hear ; or 2) Kai niay be emphatic, 'especially at
this early age xhen thcp cannot take care of themselves.'

Ocplav Kai r$iKohous has.

rill rqXwoirous Zvms.

  1. IO. &iprXis piu 08v ?mw rois Zppxoum pleiu p+rr JyaXpa p<rs ypac$ju dvnr
    T~LO~TWY rrpri(rov pipquru, 6: pi ?rapci riur Brok roio;~ois 0% KU~ rh
    rdaupbv dHO8&UlU d vdpos. npbs St TO~TOLS d$qulv 6 dpos rok

ripnh+civ r01Ims B&.
ot ToBarpbY dn08;S~ut~ d ~dpo~. Such as the Phallic
improvisation at the Dionysiac festival of which Aristophanej
furnishes an imitation in the hcharnians 263 ff.
The words apbs 82 TOL~O~S introduce a second exception: 'in-

Zxovras 4XtK;au xX;ov ?rpo+Kowau mi 6atp ~~TGu ra'r ~LKVWV Ka'r yvvaiKlU
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